Advice for Starting 2.0

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12 years ago
Hello All,
As a novice developer, it took me a good amount of time to get familiar with 1.9 (design, layout, etc..).  After hours and hours of plugging away I was finally able to get a site up and running.  As I look at 2.0 I feel like I am essentially starting over again. Unfortunately this time I'm a bit lost.  I would love to get some advice from all of you on how best I can go about learning 2.0.  For example, where did the master pages go?  Where did my default.aspx and header pages go....

Any input you have is greatly appreciated!
12 years ago
Hi Madv

Trust me when I say, it will be the best move you ever make web programming wise.

Here's a quick overview. If MVC was a body, then the { M - standing for Model } would be the bones. And As you know the whole body is wrapped around the bones, the bones represent your application Model.

I hear you ask " Well what does Application Model mean ? " ... it is basically the business logic of your application. for example, Products, Customers, Addresses, Orders, and the logic that goes with all of that, for example a Customer can have many Orders, and each Order can have many Products ..etc << The Database Logic is your Application Model.

The { V - standing for Views } will be the skin colour, your curly hair, and your blue eyes (fancy HTML and CSS basically) of your Application.

Finally the { C - standing for Controller } will be all the organs and connective tissue keeping the whole body connected. A Controller is basically a C# class with Methods, except in MVC3 we call Methods >> Actions.

Obviously just like you have many types of Methods, you also have many types of Actions. >> Controllers and their Actions are mapped to URLs via the URL Route Engine.

The other really important thing to remember is that the MVC Framework, functions in a manner often referred to as [ Convention over Configuration ].

I hear you ask .. "well what does that mean ? " .. this is best explained if we go through an example. Let's see what happens when I type the following:

The URL Route Engine would receive that URL, and start to dissect it. It will realize that the first bit after the domain name is the Controller name and it will take me to the CustomerController class (inside Nop.Web > Controllers) and inside that, it will pin-point the Info Action (AKA Method) .. and it will run whatever it is that the Info Action is suppose to do.

It could be that the Info Action returns a View (remember .. CSS/HTML). << If a View is returned, the URL Route Engine says " Right, let me go and get that then " and it sets off to the Views folder {Nop.Web >> Views >> [Controller Name] >> [Action Name]} and sends that to my browser.

Hmm I'm quite impressed with my analogy actually :D !! lol

Hope the above crash course into MVC helps. Here are Awesome Video Tutorials that you should definitely watch.

12 years ago
Wow, thanks Ciwan for taking the time to do this (not many people would).  I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. I'm really kicking myself that I have waited so long in life to dig deeper into web development.  Everything up to this point has been very basic HTML, etc..I think I have just been a intimidated by it since it appears so complex.  I have already reviewed the videos you send over and it does a nice job of introducing the basic framework.  Are there any others resources or techniques you suggest for me?

Thanks again Ciwan.
12 years ago
You're welcome.

My advice to you now is, as a side thing .. build a little project of your own using MVC3. Jokes Website ? Quotes website ?

Something that involves a database.

You learn best by jumping in and playing around. :)
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