Payment method selection bypass?

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12 年 前
Is there currently a configuration in nop where if there is only 1 payment type to bypass having to select that payment method and move on?

Example only payment type is credit card so it can bypass selecting the credit card payment type and go straight to entering in the credit card data?
12 年 前
That feature was just added to ver 2.4
12 年 前
New York wrote:
That feature was just added to ver 2.4

I see that it suppose to be a improvment in the multi-step and a fix for the one page checkout but even when I only have 1 type of payment method it's still making me select the payment method.

Anyone else running into this issue for 2.4?
12 年 前
Ok, I see that it's still listed as a bug under 2.4.

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