Your thoughts about a new default template for nopCommerce 2.70 (or 2.80)

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11 年 前
We should move the "Information" links at the bottom as they take too much real estate on the left column and also some links duplicate with the links on the menu. I also like the theme that SilhouetteBS has pointed out. Also we should have links for common social media sites on the right hand side in a vertical list just along the scroll bar like many new site designs have.
11 年 前
svarun13 wrote:
If we are looking for a more modern template to use, I personally like this one Under the "New Products" section put it into a slider so that products can be scrolled through and rename it to Featured Products and change the top menu with the My Account, My Cart, etc. a little and it would be a great default template for a new nopCommerce site!

I like the idea of it being a separate download. It will be even better when we add the ability to search extensions and install them directly from the NC admin interface.

I agree with both posts

I agree with eadameg ;)

and ....

I agree with svarun13 :)
11 年 前
Good day.

I like template from A.M. but (!!) from my point of view:
- search line should be in the right corner of page under basket and main view (some thing like this

- left side should have almost all what you show at, but "popular tags" should be after "information" and "newsletters" sections.

- right side very good (informative) at

- filters is VERY BAD! User can select (filter) good in 3-4 clicks. See filter example list (left side) at or

- how can I add 2 and more units in 1 click??

- I can't see any button for something like "live-chart" or "leave message"

P.S. Common view for site is , where we can see 9 sections and it is good to have possibility to "move" it.
11 年 前
Andrei , has there been a decision made about what the template will look like yet?
11 年 前
SilhouetteBS wrote:
Andrei , has there been a decision made about what the template will look like yet?

Not yet
11 年 前
My 2cents.

I am a big fan of full screen templates. Full-HD screens are pretty much a standard and we're seeing some crazy-resolution screens entering reasonable price ranges for many customers. Current template looks kind'a silly on big screen.

Amazon seems to grasped the concept long time ago - see

11 年 前
Filip, I understand what you like this size of screen, but you produce products for customer and have 2 questions only:
- about "I am a big fan of full screen templates" - what is real size in pixels do you mean?
- do you know how many customers use Full-HD monitors or laptops? Do you have this statistics per browser?
11 年 前
I can help you. But I would use the bootstrap in your template.
I do not like <div class="clear"></div>
You have to remove a lot of class and attribute them to normal.

For example
<div class="page-title">
     <h1>@ Model.Title</ h1>
</ div>

Replace with

<h1>@ Model.Title</ h1>
If you need to change. You can use the class above.
<div class="blogpost-page">
<div class="forum-search">

.blogpost-page h1 {}
.forum-search h1{}

If you are interested, I can create a sample within 2-3 days. No cost for nopCommerce.
I have created a simple client. Example (but not standard template.)
11 年 前
One more option. Some of you already have seen this theme. Currently it's paid and can be downloaded here(demo is here - But Alex (the theme author) and me are currently in the process of of integration of this theme as the default one. Of course, it'll be free for everybody once integrated.

I personally like it because it's very simple and clean. Some changes will done to it, but all of them are minor. What do you think about it?
11 年 前
Good choice.
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