nopCommerce 3.00 is coming. BETA testers needed.

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11 年 前
[email protected] wrote:
for to solve issue 1  above how do i load all categories into memory to ensure categories are at the root of stores

thanks again

the site does look good at the minute
11 年 前
I'm having two issues with a live 3.0 store...

Issue One
I've created a discount and it will not show up in my product variants, when I click the discounts tab under product variants it still says "No discounts available. Create at least one discount before mapping."

Issue Two
When I click Add to cart seemingly nothing happens, clicked several times and realized that the item IS getting added but there is no notification of addition.
11 年 前
I just realized that the cart only updates and shows the "green bar" and loading circle when my item quantity is 1. If I have any other number than 1 my cart will not update.
11 年 前
danbeaulieu wrote:
Issue One
I've created a discount and it will not show up in my product variants, when I click the discounts tab under product variants it still says "No discounts available. Create at least one discount before mapping."

Everything works fine. Just ensure that your discount has "Assigned to product variants" type

danbeaulieu wrote:
Issue Two
When I click Add to cart seemingly nothing happens, clicked several times and realized that the item IS getting added but there is no notification of addition.

Cannot reproduce this issue. Everything works fine. Please provide the complete list of steps to reproduce this issue (on the clear installation)
11 年 前
URL store mapping problem.

What's the problem?

Ва как то сотрудничаете с сайном ?


11 年 前
VVDunaev wrote:
URL store mapping problem.

What's the problem?

Could you please debug the application in order to know why it does not find the store by IP address ( You can do it in\Nop.Web.Framework\WebStoreContext.cs file, CurrentStore property.
1. What is the value if host variable there?
2. What is the value if store variable there?

VVDunaev wrote:
Ва как то сотрудничаете с сайном ?

11 年 前
not sure about this item in my error log...

Resource string (2013) is not found. Language ID = 1
11 年 前
I found in changelog:
Removed EU cookie law support because it's not required anymore.
I'm not sure about cookie law in all EU countries but in Poland it is required.
Will be nice to include support for EU cookie law.
11 年 前
Hi Everyone!

Many products, in fact the majority of most popular computer related products can have multiple vendors for exactly the same product.

For example: Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 product can be supplied by two different vendors. From my experience some products can have 7+ vendors.

Also, in most cases each vendor uses it's own unique product ID, which you need to use when you order the product from them. Vendors also have different prices for the same product.

I had a quick look on nopCommerce 3.00 and you can only have one vendor per product.

So, it looks like I'll need to create another db table : Product_To_Vendor_Mapping which will have ProductID, VendorID, VendorProductID, VendorPrice, Availability.

Just my two cents.

Are you planning to add multiple_vendor per product support?
11 年 前
A.D. wrote:
Are you planning to add multiple_vendor per product support?

No. Such functionality won't be available out of the box.
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