New Features on Product Detail Page

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11 年 前
computergyrl23 wrote:
OK wooncherk I got it thanks! It was in the Variants Grid!

No problem! :D
11 年 前
jackys What do you want me to share?
11 年 前
For those who want the answer. You have to update a few pages. (I'm using version 2.5)

1.) Figure out which attributes you want to add to the Product Details page.
2.) Add the new attributes to the 'Product' table in the database.
3.) Go to the solution explorer, then to Nop.Admin/Models/ProductModel.cs and update accordingly. (And) Nop.Admin/Views/Product/_CreateorUpdate.html update accordingly.
4.) Go to the solution, Nop.Web/Models/Catalog/ProductModel and update accordingly. (And) Nop.Web/Views/Catalog/ProductTemplate.VariantsinGrid.cshtml & ProductTemplate.SingleVariant update both accordingly (you might want to update their corresoonding mobile versions as well. (And) Nop.Web/Controller/ProductController.cs update accordingly.
5.) Go to Libraries/Nop.Core/Domain/Catalog/Product and update accordingly.
6.) Go to Nop.web/Extensions/mappingextensions and update accordingly.

If you draw an error when building just open the app on the Home Controller under Nop.Web.

Everything should work out now. You might want to update the import and export manager.cs as well but you don't need to the get the attributes working on the Product Details page.

What you will notice in the folder string is MVC Model,Views, and Controller folders hold this stuff. Do this to have a quick understanding of MVC Then for those like me everything will be clearer.

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