Google Checkout Return Page Path

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15 年 前

In web.config please change:

<sessionState timeout="5" mode="InProc" cookieless="AutoDetect"/>


<sessionState timeout="2" mode="InProc" cookieless="false"/>

The callback will then work from Google.

This setting does mean that your users should have cookies enabled - which is the case for virtually everyone these days.

15 年 前
Hi Ben,

I tried your suggestion. But, it is still not doing it. After I complete my order on Google (Sandbox), I am shown the order confirmation page with a link to the home page of my site. When I click on that, shopping cart is still not clear. Now, in the Integration Console, I am getting this error:

"We encountered an error processing your notification acknowledgment. The error we got is: Error parsing merchant response XML. Merchant has enabled serial number notification handshake."

Even though, I only have the following option checked:

"Provide the first name, last name and full name of the buyer and order recipient in separate fields in the new order notification."

I don't know what's up with that. Please look into it if you can.


15 年 前
Sorry, I forgot to mention in my last posting. Thank you so much for fixing the previous google checkout problem.
15 年 前

I have posted my settings below (tested in sandbox mode only).

Integration settings

Shopping trolley post security

My company will only post digitally signed carts - unchecked

API callback URL:   

Callback method: XML
14 年 前
It seems I have the same problem with cookies.
Google doesn't redirect to order confirmation page after order is done and cart is not cleared.

That's what I have in log

Message:      Server cannot modify cookies after HTTP headers have been sent.

Exception:   System.Web.HttpException: Server cannot modify cookies after HTTP headers have been sent. at System.Web.HttpResponse.BeforeCookieCollectionChange() at System.Web.HttpCookieCollection.Remove(String name) at NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Common.NopContext.SetCookie(HttpApplication application, String key, String val) at NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Common.NopContext.SessionSaveToClient() at NopSolutions.NopCommerce.HttpModules.MembershipHttpModule.Application_EndRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e) in D:\Sites\nopCommerce1.2\Libraries\Nop.HttpModules.MembershipModule\MembershipHttpModule.cs:line 150

Page URL:
14 年 前
Has anyone using google checkout had such problem?
I have made the changes regarding cookies in web.config without any success. I have to remove the google checkout from my website for now as I can't see the orders in the admin and it's all useless
14 年 前
AB Fitness,

make sure you have write permissions in your root/google folder for or network services if you are on windows 2003 server otherwise it won't work.
14 年 前
I have full permissions for .net for google folders. I don't think that access is an issue here as I can see google callback notifications written in google_log.txt file with all the correct values.
The error message in the log suggests it must be something with writing cookies on a server side. Unfortunately I could not find any solution that fixed the problem.
Have you got google checkout on your website working?
14 年 前
yes it works on my website. Its in sandbox mode though as the website is still in progress.
14 年 前
can you see the orders placed via google checkout in admin console? are you running v1.20?
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