Adwords ads, slow first time load - Urgent help needed please :-)

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11 yıl önce
Hi Darren,

This issue will be surely investigated and the reason of slow loading could be found. But there is no any guarantee that it'll be fixed because it can depend on some things not managed by nopCommerce (for example, DNS). So it all depends on the real reason.

BTW, I don't see adwords on your site and it loads fine.
11 yıl önce
Hi Andrei,

Issue is not to do with adwords plugin on the site.

To reproduce you need to click on our adwords advert on the google search results. I've just added Russia as target country so it should be showing for you soon.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=1053f3942d0f361f&biw=1264&bih=1258

Clear cookies etc
Click on sponsored result/Adwords ad and site will load slow
Go back and click ad again and it will load fast

Clear cookies etc.
Click on organic listing and site will load fast.

This shows that on first visit through a Adwords (or Adcenter) ad the site loads very slowly.

Any other Nop (2.x) sites using Adwords? You should check to see if this is an issue for you as well.

Thanks Andrei

11 yıl önce
Hmm, really weird. Try the following:
1. Disable Google Analytics
2. Disable Google Plus
3. Click on adwords link one more time.
Any changes?
11 yıl önce
OK. I've tested the nop demostore through adwords and it works fine.

I now think its when the affiliateid cookie is created.

Can you advise on places to look to debug this
11 yıl önce
wunpac wrote:
OK. I've tested the nop demostore through adwords and it works fine.

I now think its when the affiliateid cookie is created.

Can you advise on places to look to debug this

Have a look at \Presentation\Nop.Web.Framework\CheckAffiliateAttribute.cs file. BTW, I think it really could an issue because Affiliate entity has a property with a collection of all affiliated customers. I'll also test and investigate this behavior.
11 yıl önce
a.m. wrote:
OK. I've tested the nop demostore through adwords and it works fine.

I now think its when the affiliateid cookie is created.

Can you advise on places to look to debug this
Have a look at \Presentation\Nop.Web.Framework\CheckAffiliateAttribute.cs file. BTW, I think it really could an issue because Affiliate entity has a property with a collection of all affiliated customers. I'll also test and investigate this behavior.

I'm sure this is the issue. If you clear cookies and visit the page takes some time to load AND the cpu spikes (see

EDIT: FYI affiliated customers count for ID 5 is over 9000
11 yıl önce
wunpac wrote:
I can't see your ad because I'm in the UK.

Are you able to check from a better connection?

I don't have a different connection at the moment.

I have changed the setting on my Google Ad to include the United Kingdom.  So if you want, you can check to see if it is showing up now... just try a google search on my website's name.

But it looks like you and Andrei might have already figured out what is causing the problem.  :-)
11 yıl önce
@tim2376 your site loads quick through Adwords so nothing to worry about for you.

Thanks for your help.

How is the garden seeds business? Looking for new things to sell here in the UK

11 yıl önce
wunpac wrote:
@tim2376 your site loads quick through Adwords so nothing to worry about for you.

Thanks for letting me know. That's a big relief!  

wunpac wrote:

How is the garden seeds business? Looking for new things to sell here in the UK


I started a little late in the year for the garden seeds market, so I have mostly sold fertilizers and insecticides/fungicides all summer.  

I will have to see how much the garden seeds part takes off next spring.  

I think I am able to beat the price of most online retailers on seeds in bulk - 5lb, so I am excited to see what happens next spring.

It seems that the products I do best on are hard to find elsewhere online.
11 yıl önce

please see changeset 5875b80367c6
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