Access error Nop.Plugin.DiscountRules.BillingCountry.dll

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12 年 前
Please forgive if I speak without understanding.

It appears that while the pool is active in GoDaddy, the dll's in plugins/bin are locked.

Even with the FTP I cannot rename or delete the files. At one point I didn't have permission to create new files until I reset the permissions on the dir. After resetting permissions though I could create files but still the dll's remain locked.

Could it be because the Nop.Core.Plugins.PluginManager.Initialize() in PluginManager.cs is trying to rebuild the plugins while the files are locked?
12 年 前
Well unfortunately, I am glad someone else is having the same issue and are on the GoDaddy hosting.

I have opened numerous issues with GoDaddy support, but when they check the site it works fine.  But when I check it I get an error (access denied on DLL).  Then I can check it later and then it works.  And then it doesn't.

I had setup a 'cron job' at to hit my site,, every 5 minutes.  I get the messages when the site goes down and then comes back up.  I even shared this information with GoDaddy support and they were no help.  Since the site is working when they checked it, then there is no problem on there end, it is a software application issue.

Has any of the NopCommerce Team figured out why this is happening?  I really do not want to give up on NopCommerce.  I am locked in with GoDaddy until 11/2012 and will not upgrade to a dedicated ip address (to get off the shared hosting) since the price is basically what I paid for 1 yr per month.  Can not justify it.

Looking forward to a responce to hopefully get this resolved and get the site up (staying up) and running.

12 年 前
I see notes in the code it will attempt to rename the files as a work around. Unfortunately, we can not rename these files on GoDaddy, they are completely locked.
12 年 前

Even though the folders and sub folders have read and write access, the app still locks the files?  Would this be a GoDaddy issue or nopCommerce issue?

Why would a DLL need to be written too?  I can understand calling a method/function in the DLL, but changing a DLL on the fly doesn't make sense.

12 年 前
It appears that Nop.Core.Plugins.PluginManager.Initialize() populates the bin folder. A fresh deploy's bin is empty.

Why it does this, and when, and why it needs do to so repeatedly, even when only 1 or two people visit the site just to see the main page.. I don't know how it works. I'm sure there is a reason though.

It appears it does compare the files to see if they need to be updated, by creation time. Is there something happening to the creation time of the files prompting an uneeded init? Perhaps that has an effect on the load time of the page, spurious inits? I am just guessing, I am not a professional.  Of course, even if the init is legitimate, it appears that a work around is necessary in order to update them when it is needed.
12 年 前
I had GoDaddy install 1.90.  So far that is working and I am not getting errors.  Just slow - which we all know.

To what I have found you have to upgrade to 2.0 and then to 2.1 (recently released).

Has anyone figured out the issue with access denied on the DLL's?

Is there any instructions on how to 'Upgrade' from 1.9 to 2.0?  And to 2.1?

Would like a step by step if possible.  I would like to get this up an running this weekend.  

Any HELP would be appreciated.


12 年 前
Has anyone figured out the 'locking' issue with the pluggins on the GoDaddy site?  

Access Denied BillingCountry.DLL.  Sometimes it works and most of the time you get the access denied error.
12 年 前
I happened to notice this bug is slated to be fixed in ver 2.20. Issue ID 10201
12 年 前
bryanwieg wrote:
I happened to notice this bug is slated to be fixed in ver 2.20. Issue ID 10201

It's not fixed. It's still active
12 年 前
Any estimate time for a fix?

I have checked out this link and trying to see if that is the route nopCommerce team will go.
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