issue with removing attribute filters

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Hace 13 años
I got an issue removing (reset the search/filter products in category) related to the hebrew language
which is not passing correctly via querystrings.
I got the same issue with UrlReWriting for categories using hebrew chars which is cuasing dead links.
the problem is probably on this page :

but I did not manage to fix it and I need your help please

kind regards,
ran weinman
Hace 13 años
What version of nopCommerce are you using? There was a similar issue in the old version, but it was fixed in 1.90
Hace 13 años
it's 1.9
Hace 13 años
Please post your attribute configuration (with names) here
Hace 12 años
can you explain to me what you mean?
I can give you example when this error comes up.
when I go to laptops you can filter by Processor (Intel/AMD) .
the translation for processor in hebrew is מעבד
and when you click on that filter you can see the attribute on the address bar (url) correctly
but when you move your mouse over the link to remove the filter you see this:
as if the function that creates the link is not encoding the attribute name correctly.

any ideas why?

Hace 12 años
I created a bug report for this issue. And will have a look later.
Hace 12 años
thanks Andrei
Hace 12 años
did you fix that issue on the new version?
Hace 12 años
royalty wrote:
did you fix that issue on the new version?

Yes. Now it's fixed
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