Product Variant attributes filter

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Hace 12 años
  is any way how can i filter products by the Product Variant Attributes? I don't mean Product Attribute Specification.
Thanks for help.
Hace 12 años
This option is not supported.
Hace 12 años
And has anyone solution please?
Hace 12 años
Well wrote:
And has anyone solution please?

There is a theme that has this featrure. check:
Hace 12 años

I'm also trying to to this. I'm creating a shoe shop and it should be possible to filter the result based on shoe sizes (stored as variants). I have hacked a new control to retrieve all available sizes for selected catalog.

The problem now is that I need to send this to the GetAllProducts function.
The GetAllProducts is one of the few functions still relying on store procedures. Since I don't want to alter the standard code I am planning on creating a duplicate of this storeprocedure, and alter it to just handle the things I want (I'm not aiming for a public release).

What I now like to do is to add a new store procedure to the current context. Is there any tutorial about this or guidelines? All answers I find is that NopCommerce is moving away from store procedures but I'm guessing that the getallproduct remains for a good performance ?
Hace 12 años
I have eshop with shoes too. Therefore, I look for solutions to filter by attributes. If someone has already solved, please help.
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