SEO and multilingual pages

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Hace 13 años
I do knot know what seem to be problem.

When I disable UrlRewriting everything works fine, when I enable it, when I go to another language that is not default, I have the problems.

I change a little bit a Nicolas code, so I have:
/// <summary>
        /// Gets category URL
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="category">Category</param>
        /// <returns>Category URL</returns>
        public static string GetCategoryUrl(Category category, int languageId)
            if (category == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("category");
            string seName = GetSEName(category.SEName);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(seName))
                var categoryLocalized = CategoryManager.GetCategoryLocalizedByCategoryIdAndLanguageId(category.CategoryId, languageId);
                if (categoryLocalized != null)
                    seName = GetSEName(categoryLocalized.Name);
                seName = GetSEName(category.Name);

            int defaultLanguage = Convert.ToInt32(SettingManager.GetSettingValue("Localization.DefaultLanguageID"));
            string url = String.Empty;
            string url2 = String.Empty;
            if (languageId == defaultLanguage)
                url2 = SEOHelper.EnableUrlRewriting ? SettingManager.GetSettingValue("SEO.Category.UrlRewriteFormat") : "{0}Category.aspx?CategoryID={1}";
                url = string.Format(url2, CommonHelper.GetStoreLocation(), category.CategoryId, seName);
                url2 = SEOHelper.EnableUrlRewriting ? SettingManager.GetSettingValue("SEO.Category.UrlRewriteFormat2") : "{0}Category.aspx?Language={1}&CategoryID={2}";
                url = string.Format(url2, CommonHelper.GetStoreLocation(), GetLocaleSubFolder(languageId), category.CategoryId, seName);
            return url.ToLowerInvariant();

For SEO.Category.UrlRewriteFormat I have in database for default language: {0}c{1}/{2}

For SEO.Category.UrlRewriteFormat2 I have in database for other languages: {0}{1}/c{2}/{3}

In UrlRewriting.config I have for default language:
<add name="CategoryDetailsRewrite" virtualUrl="^~/c([0-9]*)/([\w-]*)"
         ignoreCase="true" />

with no url rewriting my link above look like

and for other languages I have
<add name="CategoryDetailsRewrite2" virtualUrl="^~/[\w-]*/c([0-9]*)/([\w-]*)"
         ignoreCase="true" />

the link with no url rewrithing for other language look like

The main idea is when I go to category in default language I will have link like

And when I go to for example in same category in German I will have

Now I know that page works fine, as I say before, because when I disable UrlRewriting page works fine. I can change language between categories, products and entire portal with no problem on every language

But when I enable UrlRewriting, the links for category's in default language works fine, but when i click on link's in other languages, every time I click some link for category in other language it redirect me to the home page.

I try everything but I do knot know what's to the problem. What is wrong?
Hace 13 años
Can someone of NopCommerce team look at this and please help me?

Thanks in advance.
Hace 13 años
After several days of torture and the many hours I gave up one thing, and it is that links will be as I want.

I never managed to do that links for languages, other than the default link, looks like: / country / category / name-of-category

The closest I've managed to achieve is to link me look / category / country / name-of-category.

I also managed to make the links that we are not classic ImageButton than regular hyperlink and links that I stumbled on an interesting problem.

NopCommerce use  cookie to change the language.

I found the name of the cookie, and as he writes it into NopContext.Current.WorkingLanguage.

In a similar way, I also created a javascript function setCookie ()

function setCookie(c_name, value, expiredays) {
    var exdate = new Date();
    exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate() + expiredays);
    document.cookie = c_name + "=" + escape(value) +
        ((expiredays == null) ? "" : ";expires=" + exdate.toUTCString());

which creates a log value of the selected language in the cookie and which activates when a user clicks on the flag of the selected language.

string coockie = String.Format("javascript:setCookie('{0}','{1}','{2}');", "Nop.CustomerLanguage", language.LanguageId.ToString(), new TimeSpan(365, 0, 0, 0, 0));
hpLanguage.Attributes.Add("onclick", coockie);
hpLanguage.NavigateUrl = SEOHelper.GetCategoryUrl(category, languageId);

And now we come to the interesting part where the problem occurs and it is not clear to me why it happens.

Suppose we have German and English

When I first click on the flag of the German language, in the address bar shows me a link to the German language, but the content is still in English. Only when the second time, (again) I click the flag in the German language the content of the page is switch to German language.

I do not understand why this is happening now to me?
Hace 13 años
I have seen this problem on another project: I was using current language and setting thread culture BEFORE setting the new value. Perhaps you should debug these two processes to see in which order they appears?

Good luck...
Hace 13 años
I did not solve the problem yet. Currently I work on anther part of NopCommerce but when I finish I will start to work on that problem again.
Hace 13 años
a.m. wrote:
It's better to do it with the urlrewrite ( and


   I am trying to use NOP 1.9 but I don't know how to user SEO Urls with two languages. It always show SEO Url on English language.
   Can you help me on this problem.

Henry Nguyen
Hace 12 años
does anyone found a solution for this issue ? I' m using nop 1.90 with 3 language (french, english and italian) and i really need to indicize all the languages on search engines...
Hace 12 años
someone from nopcommerce development team could say something about it, isn't it?
Hace 12 años
TRY to change

<add name="CategoryDetailsRewrite2" virtualUrl="^~/[\w-]*/c([0-9]*)/([\w-]*)"
         ignoreCase="true" />


<add name="CategoryDetailsRewrite2" virtualUrl="^~/([\w-]*)/c([0-9]*)/([\w-]*)"
         ignoreCase="true" />

and it will be ok
Hace 12 años
I have just implement this functionality to nop 1.9, it takes some time to rewrite classes but now it's working...soon will be demo ..
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