Publishing 2.0

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Hace 12 años
On trying to publish V2.0 (01/07/11 build ) in VS2010 using the local server using WebDeploy
and publishing Nop.Web :-
Publish Method:"http://localhost/NopCommerce"
site application: "Default Web Site/NopCommerce"
I get the error message
"Could not find file 'Plugins\bin\index.htm"

Is this the correct way to publish NopCommerce?

Many thanks
Hace 12 años
That won't work. There is one important thing to see here.

Nop.Web and Nop.Admin are two web applications. They both need to be published to the same directory.

Nop.Web ==>  Published\Web\
Nop.Admin ==> Published\Web\Nop\

Make sure the .dlls from Nop.Admin (Published\Web\Nop\bin\) are moved and exist in (Published\Web\bin\).

When it is time for this project to release, I will be creating a .bat that will deploy everything correctly for you to a "\Published\" folder.
Hace 12 años
I have just commited two .bat files.


This will build the project in release mode and move the plugins to the correct directory.


This will do what Prepare.bat does, but will also move all the websites and files to src\Deployable\Nop_2.X.
You can put these files on a web server and expect them to run.

Note that publishing via visual studio will not work. Well, it will work, but it's complicated. src\Deploy.bat is meant to take away any headaches.
Hace 12 años
Am getting an error on running these batch files:

SGEN could not load file/assembley ....//DocumentObjectModel.dll,
this file does exist so geuss as the error alludes to its one of its dependencies?
Hace 12 años
Can you post the entire output from the .bat file?
Hace 12 años
I have just commited a small bit that will output the build "build\log.log".

Run it (Prepare.bat or Deploy.bat) and paste the results (in the log file) in here.
Hace 12 años
I have emailed you the log, as it looks quite large to fit on the forums, but the error message lines are:


       "C:\MyDownloads\Installs\NOPCommerce\nopCommerce_8105ba8a39b0\src\build\nop.proj" (default target) (1) ->
       "C:\MyDownloads\Installs\NOPCommerce\nopCommerce_8105ba8a39b0\src\NopCommerce.sln" (default target) (2) ->
       "C:\MyDownloads\Installs\NOPCommerce\nopCommerce_8105ba8a39b0\src\Libraries\Nop.Services\Nop.Services.csproj" (default target) (5) ->
       (GenerateSerializationAssemblies target) ->
         SGEN : error : Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\MyDownloads\Installs\NOPCommerce\nopCommerce_8105ba8a39b0\src\packages\PdfSharp\MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.dll' or one of its dependencies. Operation is not supported. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131515)
Hace 12 años
I think easiest way to publish is to run Prapare.bat and then open published website "Deployable/Nop_2.0/" in webMatrix then deploy to server or just run on localhost.
Hace 12 años
I deploy nop2.00 to subdirectory of my website

when I login and try to access admin area I been thrown back to main website

it seems that I can't install nop2.00 in subdirectory.
Hace 12 años
test02/admin/ doesn't work either?
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