release ver 2.0 build failed using deply.bat

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Hace 12 años
I downloaded release version nop 2.0 with source
extracted it
ran deploy.bat


       "Z:\Visual Studio 2010\nopCommerce\nopCommerce_2.00_Source\build\
       j" (Deploy target) (1) ->
       "Z:\Visual Studio 2010\nopCommerce\nopCommerce_2.00_Source\Presentation\
       Nop.Web\Nop.Web.csproj" (ResolveReferences;_CopyWebApplication target) (
       26:2) ->
       (_CopyWebApplicationLegacy target) ->
         C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\WebApplica
       tions\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets(132,5): error MSB3021: Unable to
       copy file "obj\Debug\Nop.Web.dll" to "Z:\Visual Studio 2010\nopCommerce\
       nopCommerce_2.00_Source\build\..\Deployable\nop_2.0\\bin\Nop.Web.dll". C
       ould not find file 'obj\Debug\Nop.Web.dll'. [Z:\Visual Studio 2010\nopCo

    0 Warning(s)
    1 Error(s)

any help appreciated

Hace 12 años
Make sure your have MVC 3 installed on top of your visual studio 2010.

This video might help you:
Hace 12 años
MVC is installed, I only get bin folder in the deploy folder then the error occurs, last few lines of log file

this may be my problem do I still have to follow the manula insdtructions

1. Nop.Web and Nop.Admin are two web applications. They both need to be published to the same directory. “Nop.Web” to “Published\Web\”. “Nop.Admin” to “Published\Web\ Administration\”. Make sure the .dlls from Nop.Admin (Published\Web\Administration\bin\) are moved and exist in (Published\Web\bin\).
2. Ensure that plugins are copied into \Published\Web\Plugins\ directory

I am following the automatic instructions and that were the error occurs

nopCommerce package with source code contains two .bat files for deploying that will deploy everything correctly for you to a "\ Deployable\" folder.”. The first file is src\Prepare.bat. This file will build the project in release mode and move the plugins to the correct directory. The second file is src\Deploy.bat. This file will do what Prepare.bat does, but will also move all the websites and files to src\Deployable\Nop_2.X.


   27>Done Building Project "Z:\Visual Studio 2010\nopCommerce\nopCommerce_2.00_Source\Presentation\Nop.Web\Administration\Nop.Admin.csproj" (ResolveReferences;_CopyWebApplication target(s)) -- FAILED.
     1>Done Building Project "Z:\Visual Studio 2010\nopCommerce\nopCommerce_2.00_Source\build\nop.proj" (Deploy target(s)) -- FAILED.


       "Z:\Visual Studio 2010\nopCommerce\nopCommerce_2.00_Source\build\nop.proj" (Deploy target) (1) ->
       "Z:\Visual Studio 2010\nopCommerce\nopCommerce_2.00_Source\Presentation\Nop.Web\Administration\Nop.Admin.csproj" (ResolveReferences;_CopyWebApplication target) (27:2) ->
       (_CopyWebApplicationLegacy target) ->
         C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets(132,5): error MSB3021: Unable to copy file "obj\Debug\Nop.Admin.dll" to "Z:\Visual Studio 2010\nopCommerce\nopCommerce_2.00_Source\build\..\Deployable\nop_2.0\Administration\\bin\Nop.Admin.dll". Could not find file 'obj\Debug\Nop.Admin.dll'.

    0 Warning(s)
    1 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:08.86
Hace 12 años
anyone have any ideas what is causing this problem


Hace 12 años
Yep i had the same problem!

You just need to open up the solution and build it, then all the needed files will be created and you can now use the deploy.bat
Hace 12 años
everything is simple when you know the answer, worked a treat and so easy, thank you.

Hace 12 años
MrShrek wrote:
everything is simple when you know the answer, worked a treat and so easy, thank you.


Good to know that everything is working fine.

FYI: I am not sure if you did watch the complete video or not that I posted above (if you did, you would've got your answer long time ago) - In the video it is mentioned about opening up the solution and building it.
Hace 12 años
I watched the video a number of time but did not realise.


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