Asking me to install again

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Hace 12 años
I ran the installation in DEBUG (VS 2010), followed all the UPGRADE instructions, reached the end and everything worked fine. I accessed the admin panel and started poking around. I could also see the site. That was yesterday.

Today I ran the site on DEBUG mode again and got the installation screen, again.

Any idea why?

I am hesitant to continue as it may damage my database. Please help.
Hace 12 años
Check your connections.config file to make sure the database connection string is in there.
Hace 12 años
Check your connections.config file to make sure the database connection string is in there.

Double-tapped the submit button? Ooops!
Hace 12 años
OK, so I decided to get off my lazy butt and debug this thing a little bit...

It turns out it's looking for a file called Settings.txt which is supposed to be in the App_Data folder.

Problem was the file wasn't there. I searched all over my machine and found the file in the source folder I had originally downloaded (as opposed to the source control copy), with my connection string and everything.

Did the file magically appear on a different folder? I think not...

I swear I ran the other copy of the code, I swear!....

OK, fine, I did have a couple of beers while installing this thing.... :-P

I ended up copying the Settings.txt file and an additional file (which I assume gets created upon installation called InstalledPlugins.txt). I ran THE RIGHT instance and it's all back to normal...

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