Hi all,

When I work with another person, and setup nopCommerce for them, it can be very hard to get PayPal setup. A lot of times, people don't want to give me their PayPal password, so I have to walk them through setting up the identity token, etc.

Anyway, I just realized, on nop 1.9, PDT and IPN URLs were set to certain values:
1) http://mydomain.com/PaypalPDTHandler.aspx
2) http://mydomain.com/PaypalIPNHandler.aspx

Now I have upgraded their store to 2.0, and if I I understand correctly, the store needs new values now. Is that correct? From what I gather, they should be:
1) http://mydomain.com/Plugins/PaymentPayPalStandard/PDTHandler
2) http://mydomain.com/Plugins/PaymentPayPalStandard/IPNHandler

Ok, so I'm not complaining, because nop is AWESOME and open source, so thank you thank you thank you, but just a side note, breaking compatibility with external APIs can be a big headache for people that have already configured things, especially in my case where I'm working with someone who is not computer-savvy, lives in another city, and is not comfortable handing out their PayPal password to their web developer (I think this is fairly normal).

So if this is the case, and the URLs must change inside of PayPal to support 2.0, does anyone have any creative solutions? Maybe the IIS URL Rewriting module could be used to rewrite the old URLs to the new ones? Anyone done this and can share the web.config for that?
