Printing and customization of PDF Invoice

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Hace 12 años

We love nopCommerce! We are using as an instore/web combo solution and the boss wants an in store receipt to print much like you would receive at Walmart etc. We've tried printing the PDF invoice to the thermal paper type of printer and it works well but the print is so tiny it looks like we're trying to put a Santa Clause (The movie) on our customers.

Is there any simple way to customize the PDF invoice in admin?

Is there anyway to change the size of the font on the PDF (That might help)

I need some help as soon as possible if you please.

Thank you.
Hace 12 años
This might help you:
Hace 12 años
I'd already researched everything on the site including this link, which is quite complicated. I did come across a thread where someone stated that you can remove fields from the PDF Invoice through the Localization tab. But I can't get that to work either. I basically just need to remove a couple pieces of data, change a font or adjust the margins on the PDF file itself.

Isn't there a way to make small adjustments without going into the nop programming itself....that kind of scares me? It works great and I'd hate to break it.
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