How about switching from Telerik to jqGrid?

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Hace 12 años

I've been using nopCommerce since v 2.00 and I love, great job guys!

Have you considered switching from Telerik Grids in admin panel, to jqGrid?
It's a jQuery component that works great with mvc. I have written some "wrappers" for it, so setting it up in view may look quite similar to current Telerik definition. It supports JSON async queries, editing etc.

Among some great features, one of the best is filter toolbar:
see demos at under "new in version 3.5"->"integrated search toolbar".

I think that it might be implemented in "Manage products" tab, so that working with products might be a little easier and faster.

What do you think about this?

Hace 12 años
Considered, but decided to you Telerik. MVC helpers for jqgrid are not free (only official support is acceptable) . We chosen Telerik because it's really good and it's the only one grid that has MVC helpers. I don't think that there're a lot of developers who want to work with JSON.
Hace 12 años
Thank you for fast response.

I've written some helpers for use with jqGrid, so that definition in view looks like:

@Html.Raw(Html.Grid("list").setUrl( "/Offer/List/" )
    .setRequestType( true )
    .addColumn( new Column( "Number" )
                .setWidth( 70 )
                .setAlign( )
                .setLabel( "Offer number" ) )
    .addColumn(new Column("DateCreated")
                .setLabel("Date created")
    .addColumn( new Column( "Client" )
                .setWidth( 70 )
                .setAlign( )
                .setLabel( "Client" )
    .addColumn(new Column("Author")
            .setWidth( 70 )
    .addColumn(new Column("Value")
            .setSortable(false) )
    .addColumn(new Column("IsClosed")
    .addColumn(new Column("CurrentVersionCategory")
    .setRowList(new int[]{25,50,75,100})
    .setPager( "listPager" )
    .setSortName( "DateCreated" )
    .setSearchToolbar( true )
    .setSearchOnEnter( false ).ToString() )        

And on the controller side there is action "List" that returns JsonResult. It's not as strongly typed as telerik (but maybe it could be done), but if you are interested I could provide some more information and/or code.
The thing is that working with jqGrid from user point of view is really nice :)

Hace 12 años

Thanks a lot! I also found jgGrid helpers over Internet (for example, here). But who can guarantee that these helper will always be supported according to the latest jqGrid version? That's why I I've written that only official support is acceptable
Hace 12 años
Ah, ok, you are right. Only official plugins make sense in case of the product as nopCommerce.

btw. the wrapper you sent link to looks very nice, I might switch to that, thanks!
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