BuildMenuItem requires Telerik - please provider wrapper

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Hace 12 años
public void BuildMenuItem(Telerik.Web.Mvc.UI.MenuItemBuilder menuItemBuilder)

This would preclude ability for  someone to create a non-open-source plugin.

Would the nop team please provide a "wrapper", so that the basic menu properties can be passed in without the Telerik class  (Text, Url, ImageUrl) ?
Hace 12 años
New York wrote:
public void BuildMenuItem(Telerik.Web.Mvc.UI.MenuItemBuilder menuItemBuilder)

This would preclude ability for  someone to create a non-open-source plugin.

Would the nop team please provide a "wrapper", so that the basic menu properties can be passed in without the Telerik class  (Text, Url, ImageUrl) ?

You could implement this as a plugin and share it with the community. You would get an additional 200 karma points and the nop team could then pull your plugin into the source as a permanent resident. This is how nopCommerce 2.2 got web services, a member wrote the code himself and the nop team pulled it into the project.
Hace 12 años
I would be happy to write it, but I just don't think it can be done with a plugin (or at least I can't figure out how)

The menu is built when the Menu View gets generated.  The menu.cshtml discovers admin plugins, because they are of  type IAdminMenuPlugin:

var adminMenuPlugins = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<Nop.Core.Plugins.IPluginFinder>().GetPlugins<IAdminMenuPlugin>();

And IAdminMenuPlugin's interface requires the Telerik MenuItemBuilder

    public interface IAdminMenuPlugin : IPlugin
        void BuildMenuItem(MenuItemBuilder menuItemBuilder);
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