diplay manufacturer ....only related to selected category.....

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Hace 12 años
I'm using Nop 2.2...

i want manufacturer filter on category page....

for example ...

when i select computer category....
and on that page ....only display manufacturer  which related to computer category....

How can i do this...???
Or give me hint for this...

Thank You....
Hace 12 años
Dharmik wrote:
I'm using Nop 2.2...

i want manufacturer filter on category page....

for example ...

when i select computer category....
and on that page ....only display manufacturer  which related to computer category....

How can i do this...???
Or give me hint for this...

Thank You....

You can do it defining your manufacturers  as well as subcategories of their corresponding categories. Example HP and Sony as subcategories of Computers (besides defining them in the Manufacturers table)
Hace 12 años
eadameg wrote:
I'm using Nop 2.2...

i want manufacturer filter on category page....

for example ...

when i select computer category....
and on that page ....only display manufacturer  which related to computer category....

How can i do this...???
Or give me hint for this...

Thank You....
You can do it defining your manufacturers  as well as subcategories of their corresponding categories. Example HP and Sony as subcategories of Computers (besides defining them in the Manufacturers table)

but there are thousands of Manufacturers ....

So what will happen when thousand of manufacturer display as subcategories......???

is there another approach to this.....???

Thank You....
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