nopCommerce 2.3 customer address logic looks to be somewhat cumbersome to me. If I understand it right it does the following:
If according options are not disabled in the Customer Settings menu then the customer may enter her/his address upon registration
If the customer entered the address upon registration and performs a purchase that address is not used and the customer is still prompted to enter it again during checkout,

Thus, from the customer's point of view it is not clear why the same information has to be entered repeatedly.

For me it is also not clear what the address related options of the Customer Settings menu are supposed to control: just the registration page or the "global" addressing schema? It seems that they have no effect for instance on the addresses displayed during checkout.

I suppose that if the customer enters the address during registration then it should be used as the default address during checkout.
I also believe that the settings should probably control the "global" addressing schema, i.e. if the administrator disables for instance the "Address line 2" option - the according field should not appear in the whole store.  Still, requesting a customer to enter the address during the registration is probably overwhelming and whether these fields are displayed should indeed be controlled separately from the shipping and billing addresses (just like it works now).

The questions:
1) Do I understand the existing logic correctly?
2) If yes - is it what it is really supposed to be or not (and is going to change)?

Thank you