Any possible alternative mapping

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Hace 12 años

public partial class CustomerMap : EntityTypeConfiguration<Customer>

any alternative where I can map a stored procedure instead of the table?

Thank you
Hace 12 años
Mon23 wrote:

public partial class CustomerMap : EntityTypeConfiguration<Customer>

any alternative where I can map a stored procedure instead of the table?

Thank you

Not in this manner, but product search is already mapped to a stored procedure and you can see how it is used in the Nop.Services.Catalog.ProductService class.

Look for the method with a signature of

        public virtual IPagedList<Product> SearchProducts(int categoryId, int manufacturerId, bool? featuredProducts,
            decimal? priceMin, decimal? priceMax, int productTagId,
            string keywords, bool searchDescriptions, int languageId,
            IList<int> filteredSpecs, ProductSortingEnum orderBy,
            int pageIndex, int pageSize, bool showHidden = false)
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