OrderSummary - Warnings get lost

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Hace 12 años
I am Tracking Quantity and when on the Single Product page, it displays an error if I try to ADD to CART a qty bigger than the current StockQuantity >> That's GOOD.

Now I move to the Cart - OrderSummary page
...and try to do the same.

The ShoppingCartController.UpdateCart method gets called and when it iterates thru the cart items, it calls

            foreach (var sci in cart)
                   ....bla bla bla

                        sci.Id, newQuantity, true);

it picks up the Warning (not even sure why the Error has become a Warning here).

Anyhow, now i have the Warning telling that the user is trying to buy more items than the ones in stock.
>> That's GOOD.

But then the Controller calls
            var model = PrepareShoppingCartModel(new ShoppingCartModel(), cart, true);

and pass the initial Qty amount, so this call does NOT generate the Warning, pretty much hiding the real Warning.
The view receives a Warnings.Count = 0 so nothing gets displayed and the user will never know WHY the requested Quantity was NOT applied.

Maybe we should hold the warnings from the foreach loop on a temp variable
and pass it to the model when it gets returned?

Just a thought....
Hace 12 años
And that's one way to solve this issue:


        [HttpPost, ActionName("Cart")]
        public ActionResult UpdateCart(FormCollection form)
            if (!_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.EnableShoppingCart))
                return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");

            var cart = _workContext.CurrentCustomer.ShoppingCartItems.Where(sci => sci.ShoppingCartType == ShoppingCartType.ShoppingCart).ToList();

            // << Added InnerWarning Var
            var innerWarnings = new List<string>();

            foreach (var sci in cart)
                    int newQuantity = sci.Quantity;
                    foreach (string formKey in form.AllKeys)
                        if (formKey.Equals(string.Format("itemquantity{0}", sci.Id), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            int.TryParse(form[formKey], out newQuantity);

                // << Now storing Current Warning
                var currWarning = _shoppingCartService.UpdateShoppingCartItem(_workContext.CurrentCustomer,
                        sci.Id, newQuantity, true);

                // << Adding them to the InnerWarning Var
                foreach (string s in currWarning)

            //updated cart
            cart = _workContext.CurrentCustomer.ShoppingCartItems.Where(sci => sci.ShoppingCartType == ShoppingCartType.ShoppingCart).ToList();
            var model = PrepareShoppingCartModel(new ShoppingCartModel(), cart, true);

            // << Adding them to the Model.Warning
            foreach (string s in innerWarnings)
            return View(model);

Hope it helps ...
Hace 12 años

BTW, the same fix should be applied to wishlist
Hace 12 años
Shall we assume that this (or another fix) will appear on the next release ?
Hace 12 años
Already fixed. Changeset ca73ee1b96c1
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