build\nop.proj <Deploy target>

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Hace 12 años

I'm getting these errors while deploy nopcommerce, Please help me

(Deploy target) (1) ->
.Web\Administration\Nop.Admin.csproj" (ResolveReferences;_CopyWebApplication ta
rget) (26:2) ->
.Web\Nop.Web.csproj" (default target) (24:7) ->
ng\EMagSelfPublishing.csproj" (default target) (25:5) ->
(ValidateXaml target) ->
ing\EMagPage.xaml(33,6,33,6): error : The tag 'BusyIndicator' does not exist in
XML namespace '
it'. [E:\nopCommerce_2.30_Source_270111_New\nopCommerce_2.30_Source\EMagSelfPub
ing\Views\Template1.xaml : error : Cannot resolve reference assemblies. Please
check the reference assemblies. Object reference not set to an instance of an o
bject. [E:\nopCommerce_2.30_Source_270111_New\nopCommerce_2.30_Source\EMagSelfP
ing\Views\Template4.xaml : error : Cannot resolve reference assemblies. Please
check the reference assemblies. Object reference not set to an instance of an o
bject. [E:\nopCommerce_2.30_Source_270111_New\nopCommerce_2.30_Source\EMagSelfP
Hace 12 años
Hi all,

Its very urgent.. Please help me
Hace 12 años
There's no such project (EMagSelfPublish) in the official release. What customization have you done? Can you build the solution in Visual Studio?
Hace 12 años
EMagSelfPublish is a silverlight project.

But i couldn't understand build\nop.proj"
(Deploy target) (1)  and (ResolveReferences;_CopyWebApplication ta
rget) (26:2) Error
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