Windows 8 Alpha Tester IE 10 Must use compatibility Mode

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Hace 12 años

I am a beta tester for MS OS.

Please be advised that specifically "Internet Explorer 10" MUST be run in compatibility mode.

I know this is a Alpha Version but big changes in MS are coming...maybe for the worse.

IE: No more FLASH anything will be supported in the MS New OS system.

Its Cell Phones and Tablets now that the PC is dead thinking.

Hace 11 años
Hi all,

Same problem here with Windows 8 Release preview...
Hace 11 años
Do you experience some other issues except Flash in IE 10? Could you please share a couple of screenshots?

BTW, Flash requirement is removed in the upcoming nopCommerce version 2.60. You can get the latest version here
Hace 11 años

sorry for the poor bug description....

In IE10 (both desktop with flash plugin or metro-style IE), the login is not applied. The bugs I experienced were:
- Unable to login to admin panel
- unable to go beyond the shopping cart (when you login, you have a "successfully logged" message, no button to continue, and when returning to the shopping cart, it is empty)

but the login works fine when IE10 is in compatibility mode.

Please note these steps are reproductible on the nop public demo store (v2.5)

Hope this helps !

Hace 11 años
I am having the same issue on my local site and then I checked on the demo site. I have windows 8 release preview and internet explorer 10.0.8400.0
When a user enters their login details and clicks login, nothing happens but when you click the compatibility button the user automatically logs in. and then when compatibility is turned off the login page is displayed by itself and the user is logged off.
With the release of Windows 8 just round the corner I think this issue needs attention and this can be a major showstopper if no one can login into any nopcommerce site.

Update: The download button on codeplex also does not work in IE 10 :-(
Hace 11 años
infiniti wrote:
When a user enters their login details and clicks login, nothing happens...

I hope it's an issue in IE10 BETA/PP because nopCommerce login page is a simple POST form. I don't have any idea why it happens
Hace 11 años
I have encounter  with the same issue. i can't sign in successfully while i use IE 10(windows 8 RC)

I have investigated login module in Customer controller and FormAuthenticationService. but don't find why.

when i use IE9 Model it's Ok. i think are there some bug in IE10? may be some cookie operation when we use “FormsAuthenticationTicket” 。

Hope Nopcommerce Team can help us resolve this issue.
Hace 11 años
I cannot test it in IE10 myself (because I don't have Windows 8 installed).

Could you please go to admin area > configuration > settings > customer settings and ensure that "Hide newsletter box" is ticked. Then go to public store and try logging in one more time. Does it help?
Hace 11 años
Hi Andrey

It's caused by Browser Detection function in file browserCaps.config failed to detect IE10.
Problem should be fixed when adding to <!-- IE --> (use Find or Ctrl+F) section the following |\d{2,} at the last line below:

----- Original -----
<!-- IE -->
    <case match="^Mozilla[^(]*\(compatible; MSIE (?'version'(?'major'\d+)(?'minor'\.\d+)(?'letters'\w*))(?'extra'.*)">

        <case with="${extra}" match="MSIECrawler">
      <case match="^[5-9]\." with="${version}">

----- After added -----

<!-- IE -->
    <case match="^Mozilla[^(]*\(compatible; MSIE (?'version'(?'major'\d+)(?'minor'\.\d+)(?'letters'\w*))(?'extra'.*)">

        <case with="${extra}" match="MSIECrawler">
      <case match="^[5-9]|\d{2,}\." with="${version}">


Hace 11 años
akari wrote:
It's caused by Browser Detection function in file browserCaps.config failed to detect IE10.
Problem should be fixed when adding to <!-- IE --> (use Find or Ctrl+F) section the following |\d{2,} at the last line below...

Hi Cuong,

Thanks a lot!
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