Customising Topic Url

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Hace 12 años
Hi all,

I'd like to know whether it is possible to customise the URL's that Topics generate. Currently the format is "t/{SystemName}" but really I want to provide a slightly friendlier URL based on the title.

I would essentially like to have a function that takes the title and strips out special characters, replaces spaces with hyphens etc - would this be possible?

Thanks in advance
Hace 12 años
What version of nopCommerce are you using?
Hace 12 años
Hi - that was pretty stupid of me! I'm using 2.4.

Hace 12 años
Does anyone know whether this is possible?

thanks in advance
Hace 12 años
Out of the box, I don't think you can do what you want.  There is a proposed work item here that may be what you want.
Hace 12 años
Hi all,

I actually managed to develop a pretty good solution which allows the administrator to type the URL into a input box. I extended it to check that the URL doesnt exist on any other topic, and I put some nice little features in place that allow them to indicate whether the topic should be treated as a page, and also a couple of options for including the topic in certain menus on the site.

If there's any interest in my solution I'll make it available, but there is quite a bit of code and documenation that will be needed.

Happy to help the nop community if wanted....

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