How to display a Topic on Page Load?

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Hace 12 años
Hi there!
I am using NopCommerce 2.4 and am stuck at a point. I would like to display the contents of a 'Topic' I created in the Admin side on page load of my Home Page. For e.g: On page load of my Home Page, I would like to display the contents of a Topic - 'About Us' page. At present, I am only able to provide a link and onclick of the link it takes me to the About Us page. Can anyone please help? Thanks in advance
Hace 12 años
Can anyone please help?
Hace 12 años
I have somehow managed to find a resolution for this. Thanks.
Hace 12 años
Could you provide your solution?
Hace 12 años
Hi! Its the way the HomePageText is being displayed in the Index.cshtml.

@Html.Action("TopicBlock", "Topic", new { systemName = "HomePageText" })

Hope this helps..
Hace 12 años
I've already found the resolution, but anyway thanks for the response
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