Plugin: The resource cannot be found.

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Hace 12 años
I`ve deployed the plugin that works fine on the local development mashine to the hosting server and I can see that the "Plugins" menu is shown allright in the admin menu after successfull install of the plugin.

However, when i click on the link below the "Plugins" menu I got

"The resource cannot be found." message so it seems like the plugin routes is never riched.

Now I have two questions: is this because of the wrong order of the routes or something else? and How this works fine on the local mashine?

Any thoughts will be welcomed.
Hace 12 años
You're right. Seems that this issue is related to routes. Could you share your plugin so I can test it? Or post your routes here?

BTW, does your plugin routes contain "Admin" in its path?
Hace 12 años
Also try "touching" your global.asax file on the server
Hace 12 años
I`ve forgot about "touching" the global.asax file - that did the trick : ) Thanks Andrey!
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