Strange nop 2.5 issues

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Hace 12 años
I have strange problem when I do a clean install of nop 2.5.

After successful installation of nopCommerce, nop only displays data from ResourceName column instead ResourceValue when loading Localization from LocaleStringResource table.

How can I fix this problem.
Hace 12 años
I also try 2.3 version and works perfectly.

I didn't understand why nop loads only ResourceName data in own collection, but does not load and ResourceValue from db.

Log list are full of this kind of messages :
"Resource string (*) is not found. Language ID = 1". It is look like that neither string are loaded.

I also noticed that LocalizedProperty table are empty. Does this table should remain empty or not?

Please help I'm digging all day long with no success.
Hace 12 años
Everything works fine out of the box. I presume that you do not have defaultResources.admin.nopres.xml and defaultResources.public.nopres.xml files into your App_Data directory for some reasons.

I would suggest you debugging your solution in order to know why locales aren't installed:
File: \Libraries\Nop.Services\Installation\InstallationService.cs
Method: InstallLanguagesAndResources()
Hace 12 años
I have those two files in App_Data dir.

All columns in db are filled with data from this files, but app won't load it in some reason.

I also added new language but with same result.
Hace 12 años
Try this:
1) Remove all languages but English
2) backup your db
3) Delete all records in LocaleStringResource table (or better duplicate the table, drop the table and recreate it from scratch)
4) Download English language pack from nopcommerce website and install it in the usual way

Let me know how it works
Hace 12 años
I find the problem.

I was created database with local collation. When I set this value to server defaults (latin1), then site begins to work perfectly.

I didn't realize that can be a cause the problem.
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