How to add jqeury UI in NOp 2.50

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Hace 12 años
hi all i want to add google my Nopcommerce home page ..can any body let me knw hw to do that....plz....i wil be very happy iF somebody could explain me a new bee .......i been looking for this topic for a month am using nop 2.5 please help
Hace 12 años
Add the reference to jquery UI in Nop.Web/Views/Shared/_Root.cshtml and then use it like you normally would.
Hace 12 años
AndyMcKenna wrote:
Add the reference to jquery UI in Nop.Web/Views/Shared/_Root.cshtml and then use it like you normally would.

hi thnks fr ur reply...

but could you please be little bit elaborate about this wnt me to add the map plugin to the root.cshtml and then ...i want to add this to my home page here is the sample website where you ca see goggle map and facebok and twiter live feeds....i struggle to get the facebook feeds and twitter live feeds on my home page can u please help me with this please

here is the link
Hace 12 años
Why do you need to add jquery?

Are you simply trying to embed a Google map into your home page?  If so, start here:

I'm not sure, but from your mock-up, you may want to embed the link in

Hace 12 años
SWW wrote:
Why do you need to add jquery?

Are you simply trying to embed a Google map into your home page?  If so, start here:

I'm not sure, but from your mock-up, you may want to embed the link in


how to do that....where to paste that html ....

and can you give me some idea how to get that live feeds from face book and twitter also...please
Hace 12 años
zerozero wrote:
Add the reference to jquery UI in Nop.Web/Views/Shared/_Root.cshtml and then use it like you normally would.

hi thnks fr ur reply...

but could you please be little bit elaborate about this wnt me to add the map plugin to the root.cshtml and then ...i want to add this to my home page here is the sample website where you ca see goggle map and facebok and twiter live feeds....i struggle to get the facebook feeds and twitter live feeds on my home page can u please help me with this please

here is the link

Seems like you are talking about 2 different things.  My previous post was how to add Jquery UI to each page.  Google Maps won't use jquery ui, it's usually an iframe.
Hace 12 años
AndyMcKenna wrote:
Add the reference to jquery UI in Nop.Web/Views/Shared/_Root.cshtml and then use it like you normally would.

hi thnks fr ur reply...

but could you please be little bit elaborate about this wnt me to add the map plugin to the root.cshtml and then ...i want to add this to my home page here is the sample website where you ca see goggle map and facebok and twiter live feeds....i struggle to get the facebook feeds and twitter live feeds on my home page can u please help me with this please

here is the link

Seems like you are talking about 2 different things.  My previous post was how to add Jquery UI to each page.  Google Maps won't use jquery ui, it's usually an iframe.

am looking like this same here in this link can you help me to achieve this please
Hace 12 años
Yes, I can help.

Read the link from SWW about embedding Google Maps
Read the Facebook doc on Like Boxes:
Read the Twitter doc on Live Feeds:

Try to implement them one at a time.
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