Help with Merging Code - Cloud Zoom Lens

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Hace 12 años
I've made a zoom lens for product pictures and I've made it so the product thumbnail pictures can be selected and change out the main product image. However, I did not work from a fork. :/

Does anyone know how I can merge my changes into a mercurial cloned fork? Basically, I just want to merge code from one folder to another folder. Is this even possible? Any help is much appreciated!!!
Hace 12 años
I've tried WinDiff, but it is too cumbersome. I have to select two folders then find which files I want to compare, but I would like for it to automerge when possible, like Visual Studio and TFS Source Control. Is there an easy way?
Hace 12 años
For those interested, I found that WinMerge worked the best so far for determining which files are different and for merging two files together. Furthermore, if you plan on making any contributions, be sure to create a fork first and work from the cloned fork and commit/push your changes to the fork.
Hace 12 años
Thanks for the contribution BreakSkater. I too created a Fork, and contributed by incorporating Gravatar Service into nopCommerce :)

It feels good to contribute doesn't it ? :D

PS. Anyone reading this, if you're not on Gravatar yet, Register and get on there. It makes the web more beautiful :)
Hace 12 años
I've used Gravatar many years ago, but I haven't looked at it recently. I'll check it out. And, yes, it does feel good to contribute to the community. Together, we can make nopCommerce more powerful, flexible, and scalable than all the retail e-commerce storefronts. When people get aligned, great things happen! I just pushed the Zoom Lens feature up, so it should be approved and included for this release. The next feature I will be contributing is Picture Filename SEO enhancements.

I would like for someone to help with more Widget Zones, so the community can easily add features such as better product review functionality, better registration and account pages. Did you say your Gravatar Service is a plug-in or part of the nopCommerce Core codebase?
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