I can't understand how this piece of code works for the life of me, please help!

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Hace 12 años
This is from CategoryTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines.cshtml

@(Html.DataList<ProductModel>(Model.FeaturedProducts, 2,
                    @<div class="item-box">
                        @Html.Partial("_ProductBox", @item)

Now I get the general idea. I also have an adequate understanding of how generics and delegates work to grasp the role they play in producing the resulting HTMLString.

But, but but....

I can't figure out how the second parameter to Html.Partial is instantiated the way it is. It is the object represented by "@item", which is of type ProductModel, and which is the ProductModel that is being iterated over at the time the DataList function goes through its first parameter, itself a collection of ProductModels.

For all intents and purposes, the type of @item should not be recognized by the IDE at coding time, but it does! Intellisense is happy to provide me with the type of @item!

I understand what it is and what it does, but I am asking how this is possible. In other words, I am looking for an answer that explains the inner workings of the part of  MVC and/or Nop framework that makes this happen.

If you take a look at rest of the view, you'll notice that @item is not defined in it. There is no outer loop that instantiates an @item for you. And yet there it is, all properly instantiated and populated, exposing its data to the _ProductBox.cshtml.

I'm new to MVC, and I've already done a fair bit googling over this problem, but to no avail! Please help me solve this annoying puzzle!
Hace 12 años
Have a look in Nop.Web.Framework.UI

There's an extension class in there called DataListExtensions, which has the following signature

      public static IHtmlString DataList<T>(this HtmlHelper helper, IEnumerable<T> items, int columns,
            Func<T, HelperResult> template)

This is what the UI is calling from this line

@(Html.DataList<ProductModel>(Model.FeaturedProducts, 2,
                    @<div class="item-box">
                        @Html.Partial("_ProductBox", @item)

So, the UI is telling the function the generic type (Html.DataList<ProductModel>), and the Func is using that type - that's how the IDE knows what @item is!

Have a look at the class, it'll all become clear :)
Hace 11 años
Well, thanks for the answer Dylan, but that much I had already figured out.

Anyways, I've just happened upon this (http://haacked.com/archive/2011/02/27/templated-razor-delegates.aspx) from Haacked - it explains the magic behind @item.
Hace 11 años
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