Buy GiftCard - skipPaymentWorkflow (no need to pay) ...does NOT email the GiftCard Code

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Hace 11 años
I'm using V2.3 !!

I'm trying to test the GiftCard module.

So after I add a GiftCard to the Cart, I then use either a 100% Discount or Points to pay for it.
Ideally I would assume that the system does NOT take me to PayPal (since skipPaymentWorkflow = true)
but that the system does send the email with the Coupon to the person I selected.

Nothing happens.

Any thoughts ??
Hace 11 años
The system does not send you to PayPal and the recipient of gift card is notified about his "gift" you purchased for him. It works this way. I haven't got what exactly is wrong?
Hace 11 años
I'm looking at the OrderProcessingSercvice.cs.

The condition is "skipPaymentWorkflow = true"
Let's say I paid with a 100% discount coupon.

Around line 1000, there is a:
   if (sc.ProductVariant.IsGiftCard)
      where the code creates an entry on the GiftCard table  

This piece of code creates an entry with
    IsGiftCardActivated = false,
    IsRecipientNotified = false,

...but I do NOT see any call to the
      _workflowMessageService.SendGiftCardNotification(gc, order.CustomerLanguageId);

So my question is WHEN does the card emails the recipient?
Hace 11 años
Oh, I got you now. You're absolutely right. That's an issue which will be fixed in the near time. I'll create a work item.

Thanks for reporting
Hace 11 años
This is my fix case you like it

                                    for (int i = 0; i < opv.Quantity; i++)
                                        var gc = new GiftCard()
                                            GiftCardType = opv.ProductVariant.GiftCardType,
                                            PurchasedWithOrderProductVariant = newOpv,
                                            Amount = opv.UnitPriceExclTax,

                                            // SDSHARP
   >>>>>                                IsGiftCardActivated = skipPaymentWorkflow,

                                            GiftCardCouponCode = _giftCardService.GenerateGiftCardCode(),
                                            RecipientName = giftCardRecipientName,
                                            RecipientEmail = giftCardRecipientEmail,
                                            SenderName = giftCardSenderName,
                                            SenderEmail = giftCardSenderEmail,
                                            Message = giftCardMessage,

                                            // SDSHARP
   >>>>>                                IsRecipientNotified = skipPaymentWorkflow,

                                            CreatedOnUtc = DateTime.UtcNow

                                        // SDSHARP
                                        if (skipPaymentWorkflow)
                                            _workflowMessageService.SendGiftCardNotification(gc, order.CustomerLanguageId);

I normally mark "// SDHARP" ...where I make changes so that i can update on newer versions if I need to
The same fix was done in 2 places where it says:

//gift cards
if (sc.ProductVariant.IsGiftCard)

...and also
//gift cards
if (opv.ProductVariant.IsGiftCard)
Hace 11 años
and off course, you should look also at the POST PAYMENT event
for example, on my case I use PayPal and there is NO code that sends the email and sets it as Activated
Hace 11 años
I've just tested it one more time. And everything works fine!

A recipient is notified about a gift and a call to the _workflowMessageService.SendGiftCardNotification() is also made (from OrderProcessingService.SetOrderStatus() method) . Just ensure that "Gift card activation order status" is set to "Complete" on the order settings page (admin area). In this case a recipient will be automatically notified about any gift card purchased for him once order status is set to "complete" (and it's set to "complete" if you order total is 0 and there's no any shippable products)
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