Creating a new controller - Method must have a return type (error on Create Method)

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Hace 11 años

I'm creating a new controller using the Customer Models.

However, the controller Create Method has an error - 'method must have a return type'. Looked everywhere but can't seem to find the trick...

The controller I'm creating is to display a list of Customers. I have copied the CustomerList Controller from the Nop.Admin project...

Any ideas?

Hace 11 años
It sounds like you are calling a method in the class declaration -outside a method.

For example:
  public class YourController : Controller
      public ActionResult Create()

      // this will cause the error: 'Method must have a return type'

The method call must be from within a method or constructor.

Hace 11 años


Weird, the problem was a missing project reference to Nop.Admin.Models.Common and Nop.Admin.Models.ShoppingCart (maybe the shopping cart one not needed)

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