nopCommerce 2.65 Performance

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Hace 11 años
Hi All

I am new to nopCommerce and this is my 1st post. I have decided to resurrect the issue of performance on the current version to see if we can make some headway together.

First of all I would like to summarise what we should have all done so far:

1. Keep alives - see this
2. web.config -
<compilation debug="false" targetFramework="4.0">

3. .net Framework 4 all installed and updated
4. At least 3GB or Ram in webserver, more if it double as databse server (lets say 6GB)
5. Ensure the database is not the bottleneck by using a profiler. We know that nop is fairly heavy on database calls but SQL server can handle it, but double check to be safe.
6. Set up image caching in IIS for .jpg and .png files - see here
7. Keeps loging off  - see here - A bit of a side issue caused by the the app shutting down.
8. Remove any unused plugins from the plugin directory. Seems to make a difference on the inistal compile as you might expect.

Now to my issue if I may.

I have a hosted web server running IIS7, serving several sites that are not particularly busy for the spec, CPU and RAM never peak, or at least did not before I added my nop 2.65 site. I also have an SQL server with the standard version of MS SQL 2008.

Spec of each of my VM hosted servers:
Windows Server 2008 64bit
2 x Xeon 2.8 Processors
4GB Ram

Now to the interesting bit, possibly? If I run my nop 2.65 site on our 7 year old staging server (IIS6 with SQL 2008) with minimal CPU and RAM, its performance is more that acceptable with hardly any of the tweaks 1-8 above. Laptops for development all perform fine. We now know that nop 2.65 works well because at least a Server and 2 laptops tell us it does.

However, I copy the same database file and web files from the staging server to our webserver, tweak connection string, setup IIS7 and appPool with default values, and nop grinds to a halt. As expected the initial page load takes a while (45-60 seconds) during compilation but then its totally unpredictable. It looks like the appPool just keeps having to recycle due to memory and therefore recompile.

I now spend 3 days on Google searching for possible causes (see 1-8 above) and re-installing various bits like .net Framework 4 and MVC. Then a small brainwave hits me and I think why don't I try and put my nop site on the sql server. It’s the same spec on the same VM but its running sql server so I though no chance! but you know what, it works perfect, as fast as amazon (but I only have 250 products).

I'm just wondering how many others are having the same issue as me and what we can all do to help resolve as this issue seems to be environmental.

Thanks for reading and any suggestions would be appreciated.

Hace 11 años
OK no responses.....

My next step last night was to take down the server and remove all .net frameworks from the OS using add/remove freatures in windows server 2008 as well as framework 4 in add/remove programs. I then re-installed all the frameworks and ran windows updates (which included some framework 4 stuff), right up to date. This took about 2 hours but was worth it to try and rule out any framework issue.

I'm now thinking memory leak so time to dig out the debugDiag tool.

To be continued.........
Hace 11 años
Hello robsta,  

I am experiencing the similar issues.  We just released a store to production and the store runs great most of the time, and then suddenly the CPU processor time goes crazy and the the app slows down alot.  Did you find out what was causing the problem on your app?  I'm think I may have introduced a memory leak, but I just wanted to check if anyone else was experiencing this.

Hace 11 años
Hi Hilario

Sorry for the delay in response, I did not get my email notification and just spotted this.

With me it got to the stage that I'd spent so much time on this, is was more cost effective to rent another VM with the delay it was causing to the project and the money we could be taking before Christmas.

As soon as we put it on the new server it worked fine and is now usable and taking orders -

I plan to upgrade to 2.7 shortly to see if that helps on the slow server. I'll post if it fixes the issue.

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