need help in return values from my custom payment page and prosses to next step

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Hace 14 años
Hi all

Here is my payment scenario

1: on checkout I select my payment
2: my payment will redirect me to another page with the total price (i.e http://localhost/myPayment.aspx?total=20.00)

here is my payment code

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ShoppingCart Cart = ShoppingCartManager.GetCurrentShoppingCart(ShoppingCartTypeEnum.ShoppingCart);
        decimal shoppingCartSubTotalDiscount;
        decimal shoppingCartSubTotal = ShoppingCartManager.GetShoppingCartSubTotal(Cart, NopContext.Current.User, out shoppingCartSubTotalDiscount);
        decimal shoppingCartSubTotalConverted = CurrencyManager.ConvertCurrency(shoppingCartSubTotal, CurrencyManager.PrimaryStoreCurrency, NopContext.Current.WorkingCurrency);
        decimal total = shoppingCartSubTotal;
        Response.Redirect("https://localhost/knet-aspx/payonload.aspx?total=" + shoppingCartSubTotal);

now, after the payment is complete i'll get to page "MyCustomPaymentResult.aspx" showing me the result of my payment, from here I need to get back to nopCommerce website and go to complete page (CheckoutCompleted.aspx.
How can I return the payment parameters value to nopCommerce and the value true so I can continue to complete page?
i'll get values from page "MyCustomPaymentResult.aspx" and need to store them in "orders" table

By viewing the other payment methods i found this

public PaymentInfo GetPaymentInfo()



public bool ValidateForm()


Do I need to do something here?

Please Help me out
Hace 14 años
Please guys I really need to finish this on Sunday :(

Help please
Hace 14 años
umm is my question so hard or is not clear ?
please if anyone know please help me
Hace 14 años
I'm not sure what you're trying to do. But here's a step list to create new payment gateway:

1) Create new class for your payment gateway (implement IPaymentMethod interface)
2) Create new user control that implements IPaymentMethodModule interface and place it into \NopCommerceStore\Templates\Payment\[FolderName]. It'll be displayed to customers.
3) Create new user control that implements IConfigurePaymentMethodModule interface and place it into \NopCommerceStore\Administration\Templates\Payment\[FolderName]. It'll be used to configure your payment gateway.
4) Add an appropriate record to "Nop_PaymentMethod" table. You can do it via admin panel (Orders/Payments -> Payment Methods).
Hace 14 años
Thanks for reply

but it still hard to me to do it, can i send you the files and you do it to me please?

I'm so despaired :(
Hace 13 años
Can you email a sample of this?
I need to implement a payment process for turkish credit card system. We have also installment options.

Another point is - is it possible to set the payment type according to a coupon code or customer role?

Thank you
Hace 13 años
nopCommerce team | a.m. wrote:
I'm not sure what you're trying to do. But here's a step list to create new payment gateway:

1) Create new class for your payment gateway (implement IPaymentMethod interface)
2) Create new user control that implements IPaymentMethodModule interface and place it into \NopCommerceStore\Templates\Payment\[FolderName]. It'll be displayed to customers.
3) Create new user control that implements IConfigurePaymentMethodModule interface and place it into \NopCommerceStore\Administration\Templates\Payment\[FolderName]. It'll be used to configure your payment gateway.
4) Add an appropriate record to "Nop_PaymentMethod" table. You can do it via admin panel (Orders/Payments -> Payment Methods).

Can you email a sample of this?
I need to implement a payment process for turkish credit card system. We have also installment options.

Another point is - is it possible to set the payment type according to a coupon code or customer role?

Thank you
Hace 13 años
I used the WorldPay Routines and here's what I did in my return after checking for success. Notice i create a new MarkOrderAsPaid method that took the order, payment return values and status. Also I changed my checkoutcompleted to accept an orderID as parameter as it may not always be the last oredr that is completed because I have implemented a make payment routine to send the order payment again if a problem and try again and then display the correctly completed order if success.

Order order = OrderManager.GetOrderById(Convert.ToInt32(orderInfo));
                    if (order == null)
                        throw new NopException(string.Format("The order ID {0} doesn't exists", orderInfo));

                    if (order.CustomerId != NopContext.Current.User.CustomerId)
                        throw new NopException("Not your order");

                    if (instanceID.Trim() != merchTxnRef.Trim())
                        throw new NopException(string.Format("The Instance ID (0}) received for order {1} does not match the Instance ID stored in the database ({2})", merchTxnRef, order.OrderId, instanceID));

                    //* Store the returned data in the order

                    ProcessPaymentResult ProcessPaymentResult = new ProcessPaymentResult();

                    ProcessPaymentResult.AuthorizationTransactionCode = acqResponseCode;
                    ProcessPaymentResult.AuthorizationTransactionId = authorizeID;
                    ProcessPaymentResult.AuthorizationTransactionResult = receiptNo;
                    ProcessPaymentResult.CardType = cardType;
                    ProcessPaymentResult.CaptureTransactionId = transactionNr;
                    ProcessPaymentResult.CaptureTransactionResult = receiptNo;

                    if (OrderManager.CanMarkOrderAsPaid(order))
                            OrderManager.MarkOrderAsPaid(order, ProcessPaymentResult, OrderStatusEnum.Complete);

                    Response.Redirect("~/CheckoutCompleted.aspx?OrderID=" + order.OrderId.ToString());
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