Admin Plugin Route Problem

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Hace 11 años
Hi All,

I have a problem with a admin plugin that i'm developing.
This is the scenario:

My plugin name is: Nop.Plugin.Misc.PrenotazioneServizi

My route provider for plugin is:

                new { controller = "Servizio", action = "List", id = UrlParameter.Optional },
                new[] { "Nop.Plugin.Misc.PrenotazioneServizi.Controllers" }
            ).DataTokens.Add("area", "admin");

My menu item route is:

        public virtual void BuildMenuItem(MenuItemBuilder menuItemBuilder)
            menuItemBuilder.Text("Gestione Servizi").Items(y =>

Inside plugin there are two different controllers for the moment:


When i click on link menu "Servizi" in my plugin menu all works fine end I can view the list of record "Servizi".
At this point starts my problems because all action inside this view are rendered with the following urls:


while the correct urls are:


If remove the dataTokens Area,Admin all works fine inside my views but the url menu of admin area are displayed without admin suffix.

I have already tried the 5 parts urls but i cannot resolve the problem.

How can I Fix?

Thanks all for help.
Hace 11 años
koreano wrote:
Hi All,

I have a problem with a admin plugin that i'm developing.
This is the scenario:

My plugin name is: Nop.Plugin.Misc.PrenotazioneServizi

My route provider for plugin is:

                new { controller = "Servizio", action = "List", id = UrlParameter.Optional },
                new[] { "Nop.Plugin.Misc.PrenotazioneServizi.Controllers" }
            ).DataTokens.Add("area", "admin");

My menu item route is:

        public virtual void BuildMenuItem(MenuItemBuilder menuItemBuilder)
            menuItemBuilder.Text("Gestione Servizi").Items(y =>

Inside plugin there are two different controllers for the moment:


When i click on link menu "Servizi" in my plugin menu all works fine end I can view the list of record "Servizi".
At this point starts my problems because all action inside this view are rendered with the following urls:


while the correct urls are:


If remove the dataTokens Area,Admin all works fine inside my views but the url menu of admin area are displayed without admin suffix.

I have already tried the 5 parts urls but i cannot resolve the problem.

How can I Fix?

Thanks all for help.

Can you try this and see if it works? :D
Hace 11 años
Hi woon the route now works fine but I don't understand how can hide the close notification icon.

Can you help me?

Thanks a lot.
Hace 11 años
koreano wrote:
Hi woon the route now works fine but I don't understand how can hide the close notification icon.

Can you help me?

Thanks a lot.

You can just find out the class for the bar (use your browser's developer tool to help you) and set the display to none in css. :D
Hace 11 años
I found the class bar-notification but i'm not be able to reach it inside css files.
Do you know where is it?
Hace 11 años
koreano wrote:
I found the class bar-notification but i'm not be able to reach it inside css files.
Do you know where is it?

If I remember wrongly it's not inside the CSS. Just add a new style will do. :D
Hace 11 años
OK! Now all works fine but I have last little issue.

By adding line to menu.cshml all works fine but when I click for example Customer, all admin menu item that has a submenu item, link to last visited view, in this case Customer/List.

Only the plugins extra menu works fine.

Do you know why?

Hace 11 años
koreano wrote:
OK! Now all works fine but I have last little issue.

By adding line to menu.cshml all works fine but when I click for example Customer, all admin menu item that has a submenu item, link to last visited view, in this case Customer/List.

Only the plugins extra menu works fine.

Do you know why?


I don't get the question. Can you try to explain further? :D
Hace 11 años

I have added this line to menu.cshtml to solve the routing problem:

item.RouteValues = new RouteValueDictionary() { { "area", "Admin" } };

All works fine but there is a little problem explained below:

When user click on


all menu item that has subitems for example News, Blog, etc.. has a link to http://localhost/Admin/Customer/List.

Do you understand the problem now?
Hace 11 años
koreano wrote:

I have added this line to menu.cshtml to solve the routing problem:

item.RouteValues = new RouteValueDictionary() { { "area", "Admin" } };

All works fine but there is a little problem explained below:

When user click on


all menu item that has subitems for example News, Blog, etc.. has a link to http://localhost/Admin/Customer/List.

Do you understand the problem now?

Ok. So when users are at http://localhost/Admin/Customer/List, all the links (for example Blog -> Blog Post) points to http://localhost/Admin/Customer/List instead of the correct link?

I am trying to reproduce this error, what version are you in? :D
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