3 Columns instead of two on the home page

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Hace 14 años

Just to let you know I have copied your code and it works a treat! Thanks very much, this was just what I was looking for.

Hace 13 años
Old topic, but the current version, i just went into the Modules/HomePageProducts.ascx and changed the repeatcolumns to 3:

<asp:DataList ID="dlCatalog" runat="server" RepeatColumns="3" RepeatDirection="Horizontal"

could change it to 4, or 5, or 1 etc...
Hace 13 años
I want to change all 3 column headers to two columns. So am I to change the master page embed of every file from ThreeColumn.master to TwoColumn.master?

If I do that then when there is an update will all of these changes be reset?

I sure wish theming was independent from the core files. Sure we can adjust the CSS in App_Themes but layouts are called in through nested master pages from all of the .aspx pages.


If I save my changes then will I need to apply them to every future version again?
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