Multi-store roadmap. Let's discuss (UPDATE: done)

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Hace 11 años
TopWebNames wrote:
Hey Eduardo,

Excellent news!  Just the way I want to have them :)

Thanks VERY much!

Top Web Names

FANTASTIC that ver. 3.0, and especially Multi-Store is expected to be released in 2-3 weeks!

Thanks a.m. for working so feverishly :) on this! I can't start marketing my products until I'm able to manage more than one store from one Admin.

Then again... maybe I read wrong before?  If for example I have 3 nop stores, will I be able to consolidate stores #2 and #3 and manage them from store #1 after 3.0 is released, or will I need to set up stores #2 and #3 all over again?

Do/will stores #2 and #3 need to be under the same URL/domain name, or can they be anywhere else?

THANKS again!

Top Web Names
All managed from one consolidated administration.
They all have to have a different URL (,, are NOT valid).

Check/vote this workitem to create a script for store consolidation
Hace 11 años
Thanks Andrei. I have added my votes.
Still very few for the moment :)
Hace 11 años

we are going to implement an Amazon connection based on your Multi-store approach.
Do you plan to add different prices for different shops as well or is it already possible?

Best regards
Hace 11 años
hubix2000 wrote:
we are going to implement an Amazon connection based on your Multi-store approach.
Do you plan to add different prices for different shops as well or is it already possible?


No. Currently it's not planned
Hace 11 años
I am testing nop3.0, I have two stores, Store1 & Store2, and have two categories, Cat1 & Cat2, Cat1 is mapped to store1, and Cat2 to store2, now on the home page I can only see cat2, and its product2, but cant see cat1 & product1, I can see product1 in new products though, I have checked if they are properly mapped & publish, anything I missing here?
Hace 11 años
kakoli wrote:
I am testing nop3.0, I have two stores, Store1 & Store2, and have two categories, Cat1 & Cat2, Cat1 is mapped to store1, and Cat2 to store2, now on the home page I can only see cat2, and its product2, but cant see cat1 & product1, I can see product1 in new products though, I have checked if they are properly mapped & publish, anything I missing here?

I dont know if I understood you well, but products have also to be mapped regardless if their categories are mapped. There is a work item to easy this task
Hace 11 años
Yes products are also mapped, still no go, I added one more store called store3, now I don't see any category or products on the home page, left nav is now empty. Not sure what am I missing, also one question, on the default site will all the three stores category display on the default homepage?
Hace 11 años
Please note that if you check the Limited to Stores checkbox on a category or product and do not select a store from the checkboxes below the Limited to Stores checkbox, your category or product would not appear in any store not even in the default one. I believe this is your problem.
Hace 11 años
Stores are already selected,
Hace 11 años
What exactly do you mean by default store?
You have store1, store2 and store3 as far as I understand. If you have mapped the products to any of these stores they will appear only in the specified store.
Do you by default store mean localhost or some temporary domain alias supplied by your hosting?
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