Best way to insert images programmatically in nop 2.7/2.8?

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Hace 11 años
Look at the way pictures are inserted in the Import.  \Libraries\Nop.Services\ExportImport\ImportManager.cs
Hace 11 años
This is some of the code I'm testing.
Stored Proc

Create PROC [dbo].[insertthepictures]  @filepath varchar(1000)
DECLARE @sql nvarchar(MAX)

Set @sql = 'INSERT INTO dbo.Picture(PictureBinary, MimeType, SeoFilename, IsNew)
FROM OPENROWSET(BULK N' + quotename(@filepath, '''') + ', SINGLE_BLOB) AS IMAGE),
''image/jpeg'', ''null'', ''1'', '

EXEC sp_executesql @sql
SET @PictureId = (SELECT = Your Choice)
SET @ProductId = (SELECT = Your Choice)
INSERT INTO dbo.Product_Picture_Mapping (ProductId, PictureId, DisplayOrder)


SET @filepath = 'Drive:\Images\
EXEC dbo.insertthepictures @filepath

This is the basic structure of the code. Its stores as binary but as mentioned I'm Still - testing - store either in Filesystem or Db. With filesystem i have set up a vitual d in IIS as advised.
Hace 11 años
\Libraries\Nop.Services\Installation\InstallationService.cs contains examples of inserting pictures for a product, e.g.

            productRockabillyPolka.ProductPictures.Add(new ProductPicture()
                Picture = pictureService.InsertPicture(File.ReadAllBytes(sampleImagesPath + "product_RockabillyPolka.jpg"), "image/pjpeg", pictureService.GetPictureSeName(productRockabillyPolka.Name), true),
                DisplayOrder = 1,
            _productRepository.Insert(productRockabillyPolka); does \Libraries\Nop.Services\ExportImport\ImportManager.cs mentioned above:

                        productVariant.Product.ProductPictures.Add(new ProductPicture()
                            Picture = _pictureService.InsertPicture(File.ReadAllBytes(picture), "image/jpeg", _pictureService.GetPictureSeName(name), true),
                            DisplayOrder = 1,

In both examples the MIME type has been hard coded. Does anyone know a good way to determine this dynamically?

It seems it is not as simple as checking the file extension, because a .jpg could be either "image/jpeg" or "image/pjpeg" (progressive jpeg).
Hace 11 años

The comments are claiming that this code is a better implementation of it:
Hace 11 años
I'm not keen on storing my images in the database... I'll use the file system method where possible.
Hace 11 años
Any further updates on this topic
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