"The specified email already exists" when i tried to login with Facebook account

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Hace 10 años
hmmm. How strange....

Now new customers are working OK, but existing customers receive a error Email already exists. I checked the database and old accounts are using a very long key. new customers have a short ID string. Ik hope the old accounts are not lost with auth keys or something because a lot of orders are in history with this account info
Hace 10 años
P.S. I removed the facebook key for now. Becaue I don't trust the login for now.
Hace 10 años
Hello Derkie

The fact that new customers have a short ID string means that the registration was done in a correct way.
Unfortunately the way to register facebook account have changed from the old plugin, this is the reason why the old plugin have stop to work. The new plugin is perfectly working, you have to clean your customer table (this doesn't means that you have to delete all your customers account, what you should do is to remove the facebook accounts and register again).

However I think that more of this I can't help.

The plugin is perfectly working, in your case your customer table is messed up.
Hace 10 años
Hi Maverjk,

Is there not any backward compatibility with the old keys?

Greets, Derck
Hace 10 años
Hello Derkie

I cannot guarantee this, you can just try.
Personally I have sort the problem just cleaning the facebook accounts reference.
The table customers give you the list of all your customers, while the table "ExternalAuthenticationRecord" give you the list of all the accounts registered with an external authentication. If you delete a record in the customer table (with an external authentication) should be deleted automatically also in "ExternalAuthenticationRecord". Of course you have to be careful if these accounts have orders and other kind of movements. You can check this in the admin area.

The fact that some account give back the error message "mail already exist" means that nopcommerce doesn't recognize that user registered so start the registration process, but because the email is already present in the customer table you get the error message. Try to check in the "customer" table if this accounts have the field "deleted" to 0 and the field "active" to 1.

However if start to get this kind of problem I really suggest you to revise your customer table.
Hace 10 años
Just to keep update

I'm trying to arrange a new release of the "Facebook Login Plugin v2.65" where the user will be able to register without redirect to the facebook page and back to the e-commerce, but all inside a popup dialog. Much more nice.
Hace 10 años
Is there not any possibility to get the old accounts working? If worldwide nobody can login anymore there would be a lot of accounts not able to login to Facebook applications anymore. Is there not any backwards compatibility build by facebook?
Hace 10 años
Hi Maverjk,

Any news about the plugin? Can you explain or point me howto debug the plugin myself? I have nop in VS 2010 and when I try to debug it it doesn't allow localhost. Did you use the host file or something to fake a url?

Hace 10 años
Hello derckie

Here you can find some instruction on how to setup your VS Solution:

However I can ensure you that the plugin is perfectly working.
Hace 10 años
Hi maverjk,

It is working ok for new accounts, but existing accounts cannot login. They have an old facebook id in the db and still receive a error when they try to login.

Ik can give you rdp access to my dev servers to debug my facebook problems if you want. I disabled the facebook plugin for now
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