Content Management Plugin (Razor Version)

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Hace 10 años

I've been experimenting with the language packs...
Hace 10 años
I will modify the code to take into account that English may not be in the system.
Hace 10 años
Hi Marc,

Great that you will fix it :-).

I have redone the identity on the table, the module works but english is broken now for the resources so that is not the solution.
Hace 10 años
I installed all plugins/widgets, and I am stuck on how to use it. I clicked Add new, then what do I do? Especially the url part, what should I put there?
Hace 10 años
New version posted that fixes the language install issue.
Hace 10 años
Support for nopCommerce version 3.2 has been added and is available top download (version 2.11)
Hace 10 años
I just pulled down the latest for 3.20 and got the language problem described above. I am not using a language pack and my first and only ID is 2. This is Engilish (en-US). Any tips?
Hace 10 años
I did this to fix the issue with the Language.

  INSERT INTO [Language] (Id, Name, LanguageCulture, FlagImageFileName, Published, DisplayOrder, UniqueSeoCode, Rtl, LimitedToStores)
  VALUES (1, 'English', 'en-US', 'us.png', 1, 1, 'en', 0, 0)

UPDATE LocaleStringResource
SET LanguageId = 1

SET LanguageId = 1

UPDATE LocalizedProperty
SET LanguageId = 1

SET LanguageId = 1

SET LanguageId = 1

DELETE [Language]
WHERE Id = 2

However, I cannot seem to get the link to show up on my Main Menu even though I have selected to show on Main Menu and have it on my theme. I can go to the url that I have selected and the page shows up.

Also, I cannot seem to save the text that I put on the page. I have tried multiple times and it doesn't seem to save to the database. Any tips if you are still looking at this post would be great, because it doesn't seem to work.
Hace 10 años
I can help with your install issues if you send the error message.
Hace 10 años
Are you positive that you had pushed that out to the version for Nop 3.20? It seems that by doing those delete/move scripts, it fixed the issue with the language not saving and I had downloaded from your site the day that I posted that.

Second, as far as editing directly in the database, I am not doing that. I am using your GUI to edit and it is not saving the data anywhere as far as I can tell. I press save after entering text into the Main panel, leave, and then come back to the page in the  GUI to edit it again and the text is gone. If I go to the page on the site using the url, the page is blank. I had enabled the Layout widget as well. That didn't make a difference.

Also, so you know. When first coming in and creating a new page with the GUI, the rich text editors are missing. It isn't until after saving the page and then coming back to it in the GUI that the rich text editors show up.

How soon do you plan on releasing the next version for Nop 3.20?

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