nopCommerce 3.30 roadmap and estimated release date. Let's discuss.

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Hace 10 años
SilhouetteBS wrote:
I agree with stripping most things out of the solution, especially the forums and blog functionality. This would give 3rd party plugin creators the ability to create some great solutions for them that they cannot do now without changing some of the main files in nop. Also, knowing that the main focus of the nop team is to implement ecommerce functionality, why not open up those aspects of the system to others? Just my opinion.

You don't REALLY have to move blog/forum into plugins; you just have to expose a reasonable interface that could be overridden at the plugin level. Which brings me to my main point, which is there is WAAAAAYYY too much logic being put into the controllers.

I get it. It's easier to develop functionality and work through code iterations by eliminating a redundant controller service, but once I'm happy with my logic and functionality, I THEN like to move that to a stable interface. Just makes things easier long term.
Hace 10 años
Along the lines of more Content Management Capabilities which I would love to see, I'd like to see more of a Catalog Management System built in at the supervisor level.  Sometimes, you want to give a user the ability to modify product information but you don't want them to necessarily be poking around the administration section.  Changes such as, change a price on a product, or add a product to a category, or change a picture, or change some text.

A number of years ago, I accomplished this with a shopping cart app by creating a role for a catalog administrator.  If the user had those credentials, they could make minor changes from the front end.  If it was an administrator who was logged in, they would also see a link to the product administration page.

Besides allowing someone to maintain the catalog without having to have access to the backend, it was faster because you can make use of the site's product search capabilities.

Louis Datz
Hace 10 años
Nop Commerce rocks! It is great product!

- email template improvement for paid, unpaid and completed orders:

- payment + shipment state on pdf and order details + overview so that customer sees what is happening:

-  And order cancellation:

- logo change per store or single store through admin;
- simple css template per store so you can tweak a bit a default theme (load css only if used);
- Froogle improvements (per country...and per language (category taxonomy); see work item I created (sorry; all source is there + task scheduler for froogle); []
- sort order/ invisible/ active/ inactive for plugins. Than you can put active plugins on top and maintenance is easier;
- edit button like in DotNetNuke, so you can (if in admin module) immediately edit a product or a category from the GUI..instead of going through the menu; other improvements are the grid, you need to go always most right to edit a product, would be nice to click just in the row.
- add login like facebook etc. to mobile version theme;
- add logo to mobile version (that identifies better for a customer);
- move the 'cross selling' more below the shopping cart; so that it is better visible; provide links with popup for gift/ coupon, or just lower them; this increases visibility;
- localization of footer in language + sort order + adding;[]
- a bit more content management around in left/ right panes. Can be just a tag to be added to a team, but functionality to fill it is present; see DNN.
- email template testing;
- load language files with pluggings; multiple language setup instead of hard codes in code;
- EU cookie warning is indexed by google; and annoying if you logout when it shows up again;[]
- I have feeling multistore is not working satisfactory; like theme setting, nivo slider problems with 1 or 2 images; then that images are shown;
- favoricon settable per store through admin;
- remove category loading in product overview in admin; on product edit it is slow (> 4000 categories; see performance problems); it gives performance problems; if > 20 categories, do not load all in a dropdown, but have users enter the name or part of the name in category name and filter/ search on it.
- Improve caching on homepage; load footer for instance also from cache; or most of parts of homepage/ root which are fixed. if footer is loaded from cache and menu as well, performance increases, similar for the main category on the homepage; it is always the same for everybody. most people hit on homepage the website;
- allow people to add own name in product review; people do not like to be named explicity on a product review; also move latest product review on top, then add new and then rest of product reviews. That will trigger people more to add a review instead of immediately asking them to start entering a review;
- reorder the login/ register pages; more prominently the facebook, google etc.
- add payment/ shipping status to order overview and order detail so that people can see what status is for those;
- order confirmation is not sent after payment; I saw discussion on forum but still not working on my site; will check that;
- make product enlarge default;
- predefine specific domain for specific store language; so for Dutch and for English.
- add shop name to contactus/ aboutus pages in admin so if you create a contactus for store 1 and 1 for store 2 you see for what store the page is ment.
- universal google/ old google tracking script to be chosen from; new universal not working yet;
- more professional layout of email templates; with logo etc.+ test facility; also not all tokens can be used in every email template..that is confusing if you see them on top. I would allow as much as possible.
- order search on zipcode and name instead of email only (people might change emails);
Hace 10 años
I continue to not resolve this problem:

I write:
2) url bug: if I am on a particular product or category or manufacturer page for example with a particular language
for example and I change language i would like that url record is
but the url now is

Yuo write me that
"This is not a bug. Just go to SEO tab of the category and edit "search engine friendly name" (leave to empty to re-generate)".

On Seo tab in my category I set different "search engine friendly name" by language

But as you can try on
if you click on italian language the url becomes

but if you return on home page and then click the category "decorazioni camerette" in italian the url

if I click english when i am on this page the url becomes

I woud like that if I am on italian and then I click english url

Please let me know. I hope that I explain better my problem
Hace 10 años
andreacaffy wrote:
url bug...

I don't think it's the correct forum topic to discuss in details a particular "bug". Please create a separate forum topic for it

P.S. Go to admin area > configuration > general and misc settings > SEO settings > tick "Enable canonical URLs". This way a search engine will always know the correct page URL
Hace 10 años
Can anyone comment on the ability to assign SKU’s to simple product attributes. Right now, we are limited with how we can customize product attributes.

I would be looking for a field where you could enter a SKU number.
Hace 10 años
I create a new topic.

The problem is not resolved and "enable canonical url" is enabled.
Hace 10 años
mattsoundworld wrote:
You don't REALLY have to move blog/forum into plugins; you just have to expose a reasonable interface that could be overridden at the plugin level..

I disagree. I think a significant number of users don't need blog/forums at all and having them in the core bloats the solution. I would prefer to have them as plugins so that they could be removed altogether for those that don't need them.

mattsoundworld wrote:
Which brings me to my main point, which is there is WAAAAAYYY too much logic being put into the controllers.

I get it. It's easier to develop functionality and work through code iterations by eliminating a redundant controller service, but once I'm happy with my logic and functionality, I THEN like to move that to a stable interface. Just makes things easier long term

Definitely agree with this point, particularly with an extensible product like nopCommerce (since controllers do not have virtual methods and are not partial classes, they are more of a pain to modify cleanly since they require modifying routes).
Hace 10 años
mayabellescloset wrote:
I disagree. I think a significant number of users don't need blog/forums at all and having them in the core bloats the solution. I would prefer to have them as plugins so that they could be removed altogether for those that don't need them.

You can disable the blog and forums. Blog and forums are useful to any store and should be used by stores to generate more traffic to the site (blogs with target keywords) and answer customer questions without direct interaction via forums (instead of answering them in separate emails over and over again).
Hace 10 años
breakskater wrote:
You can disable the blog and forums. Blog and forums are useful to any store and should be used by stores to generate more traffic to the site (blogs with target keywords) and answer customer questions without direct interaction via forums (instead of answering them in separate emails over and over again).

"Useful to any store" is a generalization and simply not true. I have seen plenty of stores that do not have forums in particular. I have also seen others on NopCommerce forums saying they don't need them.  Disabling the feature does not remove these features from the code, thus build time and space on the server are still increased for no reason. Even if you need these features, they are just that - *features* (rather than core store functionality) - which belong in a plugin. There is no reason they could not be used as a plugin and no reason they have to be part of the core.
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