How do I add the shipping tracking number (from UPS or Fedex) to customer shipping email?

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Hace 14 años
I am looking to notify the customer when order is shipped with the tracking number for shipping? How do I edit the message? How can I automate this process?


Hace 14 años
'Adding tracking number' will be allowed in the next release (in March)
Hace 13 años
I am using V-1.50

I have two questions with regard to FedEx:

1.) Is there a way to automatically generate and pull in the FedEx tracking numbers once the order is completed?

2.) How can I change the FedEx shipping methods (i.e. overnight, same day etc.)?  Right now it displays 6 methods and we only want 2 or 3.

Thanks in advance.
Hace 13 años
I'm using nopcommerce 1.9 , i tried to get the Tracking Number from Fedex, is  that possible  in this version ?
Hace 13 años
I am not sure this is what you mean, but you can add tokens to the outgoing email that will get the tracking number (nopCommerce 1.9).  

If you got to Admin=>Content Mangement=>Templates=Message Templates

Click edit next to OrderShipped.CustomerNotification

You can edit the email as you like and add the message token %Order.TrackingNumber%

for example, you could add a line:

Order Tracking Number: %Order.TrackingNumber%

When the email gets generated it will substitute the stored tracking number for the token.

The caveat is that you need to have updated the tracking number of the order BEFORE you click the Shipped button.
Hace 12 años
Looks like %Order.TrackingNumber% message token is missing (again) in 2.x.  It's easy to code it in my custom solution, but I'm not sure if there is any specific reason something like %Shipment.TrackingNumber% isn't added by deafult.
Hace 12 años
bsivanov wrote:
Looks like %Order.TrackingNumber% message token is missing (again) in 2.x.  It's easy to code it in my custom solution, but I'm not sure if there is any specific reason something like %Shipment.TrackingNumber% isn't added by deafult.

Correct. I just looked at an e-mail that was sent to a customer notifying them of the shipment and there was no tracking number anywhere on the e-mail. And I'm running 2.5

I did find: %Shipment.ShipmentNumber% however, I suspect that this is for multi-shipments on one order.
Hace 12 años
Shipment.ShipmentNumber evaluates to the shipment ID, which is not of much help to the customer.
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