barcode for order

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Hace 9 años
hi there,

i am looking for plugin to generate be a bar-code

for example most of my product is with <textarea> filed to add note for the order i want a bar-code that if i scan the printed PDF ill get the note as well

can anyone guide where i can find such a plugin ?
Hace 9 años
Here you can search for extensions, but I didn't find what you want :(
Hace 8 años

Did you succeeded in getting a way to generate barcode for all the products?
Hace 4 años
use this code for bar-code Generate -
-first we install Barcodelib nuget package ( Nop.Web and then write this code in PrintOrderDetails method of OrderController ,

using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                Barcode b = new Barcode();
                Image img = b.Encode(TYPE.CODE39, "123456789101" , Color.Black, Color.White, 310, 90);
                    img.Save(memoryStream, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
                    ViewBag.CODE39 = "data:image/png;base64," + Convert.ToBase64String(memoryStream.ToArray());

and then pass viewbag in order details.cshtml view lick that <img src="@ViewBag.CODE39" />

this barcode generate on your orderdetails page.
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