why manufacturer image is not shown on the page along with the information ?

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Hace 14 años
when we add manufacturer, it asks for manufacturers information like, Image; Details about manufacturers
but when on the homepage we click on any of the manufacturer to list its products it displayed the manufacturer information at the top then products but why it doesn't show up the manufacturer logo ?

currently adding an image of a manufacturer doesn't make any sense as it never shows up in the manufacturer page so what's the use of it ?

I want to display that image in the manufacturer page along with the products , please advise me what to do...
Hace 14 años
You're right. Currently adding an image of a manufacturer doesn't make any sense. It'll be displayed in the next release of nopCommerce
Hace 12 años

Any news with manufacturer logo option?
Will be nice to see optional manufacturer logo instead of name.
Hace 12 años
gRRuby wrote:

Any news with manufacturer logo option?
Will be nice to see optional manufacturer logo instead of name.

Insert logo within the manufacturer Description field
Hace 12 años
Yes, of course. I can but it's not a solution. I would like to see manufacturer logo instead of description (on top of manufacturer page, left column, on product page etc). There is manufacturer logo image field on admin details page but still not usable.
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