TrendyShoes1.90.1 is updating products (WARNING: avoid

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Hace 14 años
juanmanuelrojascavaliere wrote:
hi larry, i cant get it to work in any IE

cant load the css i guess.. .chrome and FF work ok

any idea?

Do you want to hide the banner or delete the banner?
Hace 14 años
if you want to hide


 if (Request.Url.AbsolutePath == "/default.aspx")


 if ((Request.Url.AbsolutePath == "/default.aspx") || (Request.Url.AbsolutePath == "/Default.aspx") )
Hace 14 años
juanmanuelrojascavaliere wrote:
hi larry, i cant get it to work in any IE

cant load the css i guess.. .chrome and FF work ok

any idea?

solved it..

i just added the theme to the visual tree, played it and voila!
Hace 14 años
larrylan wrote:

Or if you want to keep the banner in homepage but hide them in other page

You can do


<div class="bannerwrap1">
<div class="firstimage"><a href="#"></a></div>
<div class="secondimage"><a href="#"></a></div>
<div class="thirdimage"><a href="#"></a></div>
<div class="bannerwrap2">
<div class="firstimage"><a href="<%=Page.ResolveUrl("~/Products/67-juicy-handbag-pink-lady.aspx")%>"></a></div>
<div class="secondimage"><a href="<%=Page.ResolveUrl("~/Products/106-city.aspx")%>"></a></div>
<div class="thirdimage"><a href="<%=Page.ResolveUrl("~/Products/111-giant-hip.aspx")%>"></a></div>

in a placeholder

the result is

<asp:PlaceHolder ID="bannerPlaceholder" runat="server">
<div class="bannerwrap1">
<div class="firstimage"><a href="#"></a></div>
<div class="secondimage"><a href="#"></a></div>
<div class="thirdimage"><a href="#"></a></div>
<div class="bannerwrap2">
<div class="firstimage"><a href="<%=Page.ResolveUrl("~/Products/67-juicy-handbag-pink-lady.aspx")%>"></a></div>
<div class="secondimage"><a href="<%=Page.ResolveUrl("~/Products/106-city.aspx")%>"></a></div>
<div class="thirdimage"><a href="<%=Page.ResolveUrl("~/Products/111-giant-hip.aspx")%>"></a></div>

in codebehind file HeaderMenu.ascx.cs

in Page_load Method

    public partial class HeaderMenuControl : BaseNopUserControl
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Request.Url.AbsolutePath == "/default.aspx")
                bannerPlaceholder.Visible = true;
                bannerPlaceholder.Visible = false;

Dont forget to check

in the HeaderMenu.ascx.designer.cs file

        /// <summary>
        /// bannerPlaceholder control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Auto-generated field.
        /// To modify move field declaration from designer file to code-behind file.
        /// </remarks>
        protected global::System.Web.UI.WebControls.PlaceHolder bannerPlaceholder;

Hope it will work for you.


works OK!!!!
Hace 14 años
Thanks Larry, it works perfectly. And i also have one more thing to ask regarding the url handling. Example, my url is then after installing the nopcommerce handbag theme (installed on the root). Whenever i view the site, the domain name always appear after the main url eg. Do i need to edit something so that only the main url is displayed whenever i view the site. Many thanks and more power. :D
Hace 14 años
Or perhaps its the folder name on my host because i have a shared hosting account on GoDaddy.
Hace 14 años
blackwind wrote:
Or perhaps its the folder name on my host because i have a shared hosting account on GoDaddy.

Thanks for your feedback anyway.
Hace 14 años
website is down due to too many traffics..
We're working on it.
Hace 14 años
Before i buy one of your theme i would like to know it you give any documentation on how to use'em. For example i downloaded the handbag free theme and i was testing it just to make sure i can use it without hiring an expert. I was a little bit disappointed because i could not find any documentation. Does it have a visual studion .sln file i can start with? Or it is meant to be used without changing it? How do you change the provide database file from a .bak file to a regular SQL server database? I have too many question i would like to ask you.
Please provide with me a few instruction to start. Or you do not provide instruction for this " free' theme? In this case you will be bound to provide the instructions in case i buy one.

Hace 14 años
akumiro wrote:
Before i buy one of your theme i would like to know it you give any documentation on how to use'em. For example i downloaded the handbag free theme and i was testing it just to make sure i can use it without hiring an expert. I was a little bit disappointed because i could not find any documentation. Does it have a visual studion .sln file i can start with? Or it is meant to be used without changing it? How do you change the provide database file from a .bak file to a regular SQL server database? I have too many question i would like to ask you.
Please provide with me a few instruction to start. Or you do not provide instruction for this " free' theme? In this case you will be bound to provide the instructions in case i buy one.


Many thanks for your reply.
We'll provide a video tutorial to show how to use our nopcommerce template.

To use the template,

You need to have 3 tools (Winrar, Visual Studio, MSSql2005+)

Visual Studio Web development version and MSSql2005 express version can be free download at

I assume you have the basic knowledge of how to use visual studio and mssqlserver.

Step1. Unzip the rar file. There will be  three folders, preview, database, nopcommerce code folder
Step2. Restore the database backup file.
Step3. Change the connectionString in connectionStrings.config to link the code with the database
Step4. Run the website

If you need to install the theme in a rented hosting, please let me know.

The website is still down, godaddy told me it should take upto 72 hours to recover. Shame on them.

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