Payment Methods and Transaction mode

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Hace 15 años
I want to create my own page to send the information to local payment gateway which Transaction mode I should use? Authorize or Authorize and Capture
and advice please where should I put my page.

thank you.
Hace 15 años
Two transaction modes are supported by Manual Processing payment method.
•  Authorize – authorize the charge, but does NOT capture or transfer funds. Just verifies card.
•  Authorize and capture – authorize and capture the transaction all at once.
If you don’t want to charge the customer until you ship, then use Authorize. For charges that come in as Authrorized only, you can later capture them via the admin area. There will be a capture button on the order.
Hace 15 años
when I use Authorized mode i got [make as captured] button, what does this button do exactly?
Hace 15 años
It marks an order as captured and sends a mail to a customer that his order has beed captured and completed.
Hace 15 años
I want to use Manual Payment method and when I do a checkout at "Payment Info" I am prompted to select a credit card. Doesn't manual payment mean that a customer pays in cash or money order? How do I set a payment method for "cash on delivery"?
Hace 15 años
There's no "cash on delivery" now. Manual payment method just collects order & payment information for offline processing
Hace 14 años
when you authorize and capture credit card data

how does the funds get transfered????
Hace 13 años
Since I was new to the Payment gateway, I was breaking my head with the manual processing. I started pinging a bank of America Merchant Services chat line and found that this is how it can work for manual processing (Correct me if I am wrong):

1. Manual processing, collects the credit card details
2. The store now have the card details.
3. Lets assume you go with BOA Merchant services, this is how you make those credit card payments offline -

As of today's call, BOA Merchant Services offers the following:

1. Set-up fee : 99$ for licensing and registration of the secure gateway
2. Qualified Rate (regular, traditional, consumer M/c or visa or discover and debit cards) : 1.99% + 0.27cents per trans
3. Non-Qualified Rate (any M/c or visa or discover or rewards or purchasing card, corporate, Travel & Expoense, international and foreign cards) : 3.45% + 0.32cents per trans
4. Amex - 3.5%
5. gateway/virtual terminal fee : 16$/month
6. No contract & No cancellation

I would love to have a payment gateway end to end integration with nopCommerce. I am not sure when that's goign to be available??maybe the experts can answer. Is there any other better way to do a automatic processing?
Hace 13 años
rzepeda wrote:
when you authorize and capture credit card data

how does the funds get transfered????

Find more info how it works in PayPal here
Hace 12 años
Our client is using with nop version 2.20 and we have the payment gateway set to Authorize & Capture.  We expected the site to mark the order as paid automatically when returns a successful payment.  Is this not the case?
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