nopCommerce Enterprise Edition v2.00 released (UPDATE: There's no Enterprise edition)

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Hace 14 años
I agree, they have all done a great job at developing this system and deserve some moola. I think the issue everyone is having is that we have for the last three months been talking about and contributing code, ideas, and more to be put in the new 1.5 and many of us have even delayed implementing changes, and all this because we had thought it was all being done because we would be receiving the changes in the new 1.5.

Than without any notice whatsoever they come out with what we were all waiting for and slap us with a dollar figure. It doesn't matter how much the dollar figure is. No matter how much they choose to charge, they deserve it. The problem is that it came out of no were without any warning when we were all expecting a new 1.5 with all the updates we were being promised the last three months.

Personally, and I feel many agree, the new "Enterprise" edition should not come out for a few more months, they should make this new 2.0 the new 1.5 and start working on some major changes that could make a "true" enterprise edition.

However, I do feel that some options should be left out of the 1.5 and should be charged either as module add ons, or included in a "working" enterprise edition. An Edition that can include a few of the major changes (not the minor ones that nearly every free cart supplies) that only costs an amount equivalent to the differences in modules from the community version. I.e. 5 different modules = $100 cost. 15 = $200 and so on and so fourth. Than also the price of the enterprise edition can rise as new enterprise only modules are added. until they reach their $899 price point. They could also offer the system on a month to month subscription (similar to the godaddy shopping cart) starting at $10 a month and have it go higher as more modules are added.

I think this would solve many of the aggravated noppers complaints.
Hace 14 años
1.5 Released with full Enterprise features.

Thank you very much Nop Team. I look forward to future changes and you certainly will be receiving my support in cash very soon.
Hace 14 años
NOP team: Kudos for bending to your user base's Voice. I am sure the loyalty you guys have shown today will come back to you. Very impressive show

NOP Community: Lets keep the ideas coming on how we can make sure these guys can get compensated for their efforts.
Hace 14 años
sch09 wrote:

We just felt we were let down for few hours. from your comments, I personaly feel your commitment to the community and besides the good work, it only gives me one more reason to stick with you.

I am behind you and hope all of us are.

Keep Up the good work.


One way of showing support is becoming a sponsor. I read all the comments "SHOW THEM SOME" and helping with coding does not keep the nopCommorce team fed. Talk is cheap.

I'm sure the nopCommerce team is capable of doing that (the coding and fixes as they have been doing all along).

A survey list for suggestions as one poster suggested would not really be a big help for nopCommerce as I'm sure they have a long list and do not need another survey for that.

Want to help? Donate some $$$ by becoming s sponsor! If there were more sponsors nopCommerce could probably have waited a bit longer with the Enterprice Edition and fine tune it some more. Just a guess on my part.

For the people who think the Enterprise version costs too much, it is cheap, cheap, cheap regardless of what they name it.

For the poster who thinks they should a "special" upgrade price from the community edition?  How much did they pay for the community edition again? Duh.
Hace 14 años
I'm a newbie just looking for a cheap way to move from eBay to my own store.  It's been a facinating few days.  I just joined that sponsor program.  I wanted to contribute a few bucks to an outfit that has the integrity and, frankly, the gonads to do what they just did.  I think everyone, especially all those who say 'sure you deserve some money' but... should join NOW.
Hace 14 años
It has been an interesting few days - and the response of the nopCommerce team is fast, effective and appreciated.
Get with the Sponsor program and help these guys out.
Hace 14 años
This move has really showed there appreciation to us all, and they deserve our help. When I budget this months bills they are the first to get my money.
Hace 14 años
I'd like to say that I think the announcement of an Enterprise Edition is very timely. I can place where this product fits in the market place very easily and will be offering Enterprise Edition for my Enterprise Customers. It would be nice to see features like Multi-Store etc adding value in the Enterprise Edition. I am not saying that I'll implement one tomorrow, but having it in the pathway makes sense for my business model.
Hace 14 años
bkindustries wrote:
This move has really showed there appreciation to us all, and they deserve our help. When I budget this months bills they are the first to get my money.

I agree with you , NOPCOMMERCE Team deserve appreciation and we all should contribute something in order to make nopCommerce team happy just like they made us happy by providing us one more free version(1.5).
Hace 14 años
This is fantastic news. Thank you very much. I would like to suggest adding a link to make a donation. There may be folks that would like to contribute but for one reason or another can't afford $70 for sponsorship at the moment. If there is already a means to contribute I don't see it.
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