Restrict Product Attribute Combinations in version 3.50

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Hace 9 años
Hi All,

I am just getting started with nopCommerce and have run into an issue trying to figure out how to have the product attributes 'filtered' based on a users selection.  I am using version 3.50.

In setting up my product, I am adding product attributes to a given product and want the select-able options to behave such that if I choose a value for Option 1, only valid combinations in Option 2 will be select-able in the drop down.

I have only setup one product thus far, Sample Product. I have created two Product Attributes, Handing & Finish. Handing has two values Left & Right, Finish has 4, so 8 total combinations. However only 5 combinations are valid products for ordering.

I tried the method from this post,, ensuring my product had the 'Track Inventory by Product Attributes' selected and for those product combinations on the Attribute Combinations tab that are invalid combinations I have set Stock Quantity = 0 and disallowed/unchecked the Allow Out of Stock option. But no dice. It allows me to select an invalid combination and displays an Out of Stock message, not the result I desired.

I also saw an option on the Product Info tab "Allow only existing attribute combinations" which I checked, but also did not restrict the drop down combinations.

Is there a way to achieve what I want to do through configuration?
Hace 9 años
I only installed nopCommerce yesterday so I don't have a solution I'm afraid but I too need to be able to do this. If anyone can help I'm sure the community would be very grateful. We can't be the only two who would find this a valuable funciton and if we don't have to resort to code modification then it would be good.

to reiterate with another example:

attribute x has values 1, 2, 3
attribute y has values a, b

but the valid combinations are:

If 3 is chosen then b shouldn't be available in the dropdown on the front-end. (Note that I have even deleted the combination but it is still showing on the front end)
Hace 7 años

What was the sloution that you used for this? Is it configurable? Or is a code change required?

Thanks in advance,

Hace 7 años
I also have the same problem. I am afraid the code change is required.

However, I am amazed the nopCommerce doesn't handle this on it's own. It is such a basic feature.

Also those grouped products and showing all the variants of a grouped product on one page, is lame and inefficient. The variants should be available simply through attributes (which kind of are, using SKU for example), and attributes should have dependable choices.
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