performance optimization

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Hace 9 años

I use nopCommerce for 3 years and from version to version it becomes slower and slower...

Now I have to move my websites to another CMS, because I cannot find hosting for my projects, the only solution to buy dedicated server, but the price for Win license with mssql license ~150$ per month.

If I use another cms, hosting price will be 5-10$ per month and page load time 0.1 sec.

We all know that now page load time very important for search engines ...

for example contains only few products and works well...

try to load at least 500-800 products for demo, and you will see it is impossible to use website.

Are you going to make performance fixes? It is really impossible to use CMS for eCommerce, all pages loads very slow.
Hace 9 años
Why would you want to load 500-800 products on a page ? where's paging ?

Anyway, if you want better page load, try to integrate in replace of entity framework.
Hace 9 años
There is a definitely a performance issue associated with the number of records, for example, I am on v3.2 and when I load 2 very similar products on different browser sessions, product 1 contains 13 Product Attributes drop-downs and products 2 has 0. Product 1 takes 16 seconds to load while product 2 takes 2.3 seconds to load.

If I create 1 Product Attribute on product 2 it slows the page load to 4.5 seconds. The more I add the slower it gets.

I have cache enabled but it doesn't seem to help. Is there anything that can be done to improve the page load while using Product Attributes?
Hace 9 años
From my experience so for i can conclude that database performance is critical to nopcommerce , if you have slow databse execution time everything will be slow. many people think its the nopcommerce itself but no its the database . Good practice is to enable miniprofiler and check your db queries.In most cases when looking for hosting company the main thing is the database speed they offer. The other thing is hosting the application and the database on one VPS or machine is not a good idea, in best case scenario the DB and the app should be on different VPS or machines on the same network. That doesn't make nopcommerce cost effective solution but at the end everything have cost  ;)
Hace 9 años
Lucho wrote:
From my experience so for i can conclude that database performance is critical to nopcommerce , if you have slow databse execution time everything will be slow. many people think its the nopcommerce itself but no its the database . Good practice is to enable miniprofiler and check your db queries.In most cases when looking for hosting company the main thing is the database speed they offer. The other thing is hosting the application and the database on one VPS or machine is not a good idea, in best case scenario the DB and the app should be on different VPS or machines on the same network. That doesn't make nopcommerce cost effective solution but at the end everything have cost  ;)

Agreed with the inputs!

You need to check with mini profiler or some other good profiler to check where it gets slow. In most cases its DB, not the nopCommerce itself.

Moreover, as he advised, make sure to host your DB and Application on separate servers and have a decent RAM allocation. For your DB, we suggest you to use a dedicated high Speed SSD drive. Flash based disk drives are even better.

And if you host everything on same server, make sure to limit RAM allocation to the SQL, otherwise it will eat up all the RAM available severely impacting the application.
Hace 9 años
have you tried version 3.40/3.50 ?  a lot of performance-optimization work has been done.
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